Large Urban District in California Stands out for Growth Data

A look at Smarter Balanced Assessment Scores for Grades 3-5 in the spring of 2024 compared to the spring of 2023

Eureka Math² Earns CAST Universal Design for Learning Product Certification

Veteran Writer Explains Why This Is a Big Win for Students and Teachers 

The Great Minds Eureka Mathprogram has been...

St. Charles Parish Public Schools Making Gains, Improving Teaching and Learning with Eureka Math²

When most people think about learning math, what typically springs to mind are the “how” and “what.” How did you solve...

Eureka Math² Brings Positive Change to Southern California District

Change is under way in the Beaumont Unified School District, and Dana Gonzalez is excited about what she's seeing.

Ed Post: Helpful Steps To Reverse Math Declines For Students With Disabilities

In this article for Ed Post, Mary Christensen-Cooper and Maureen McNamara Jones reflect on their experiences in the...

Adoption of Eureka Math² Excites Teachers and Supports Students’ Math Achievement

Prior to adopting Eureka Math for the 2022–2023 school year, New Hanover County Schools in North Carolina...

Data Science: The Importance of Incorporating Data into Everyday Instruction

Every second, Google processes about 99,000 searches, which is a testament to the amount of data right at our...

Michigan Teacher of the Year Discusses District-Wide Impact of Eureka Math®

We recently sat down with Candice Jackson—2023–2024 Michigan Teacher of the Year—to learn more about her experience...

North Carolina District Celebrates Strong Gains in Math Proficiency

In school year 2022–2023, the Public Schools of Robeson County adopted Eureka Math2® district wide in grades K–7. In...

High-Leverage Teaching Practices that Positively Impact Student Learning

Whether you’rea veteran math educator looking to refresh your skills or a new classroom teacher, we’ve assembled a...

From Read-Draw-Write (RDW) to Modeling–How Students Experience Problem Solving in Eureka Math²

Coherence is a key feature of the Eureka Math2® curriculum. The problem-solving process employed in Grade Levels K–9 is...

Response to Intervention with Eureka Math²

Response to Intervention (RTI), also referred to as a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), is a framework that...

Detroit News: Michigan Teacher of the Year and Great Minds PD Associate Candice Jackson Pens Op-Ed To Promote Parent Engagement

Michigan's 2023–2024 Teacher of the Year Candice Jackson wrote this compelling op-ed in the Detroit News about the need...

5 Eureka Math² Blog Posts to Help Set You Up for Success Heading into the School Year

We want your passion for math to shine this school year. That’s why we’ve compiled our top five most popular...

Eureka Math Research Brief

Johns Hopkins University studied the impact of Eureka Math on grades 4 and 5 test scores within a school district that...

The CASEL Framework in Action: How Eureka Math Squared Integrates Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

How does Eureka Math2® integrate social-emotional learning with mathematics instruction?


Observational Assessments in K–2: Making Student Thinking Visible

Observational assessments are a great way to gather information about what students currently understand because...

K–5 Eureka Math² in Summer School

Flexible Tools for Responsive Teaching and Engaging Learning

Why is it a good idea to use  Eureka Math2® in a summer...

Achievement Descriptors and Student Understanding

You’ve heard it before: Mastery builds over time. But what does that look like? Eureka Math2® Achievement Descriptors...

Coaching Teachers and Building Connections Across Grade Levels with Eureka Math²

After successfully piloting Eureka Math² in school year 2021–2022, KIPP Northeast Elementary (Denver, CO) moved to full...

Instructional Routines Bring the Math Classroom to Life

In Eureka Math2, students engage with one another through structured instructional routines that get them talking about...

Math Manipulatives: A Student-Centered Approach to Teaching Mathematics

In a comprehensive review of mathematics education research, the National Research Council (2001) concluded “the...

Keeping the Pace, One Lesson at a Time

How do you cover an entire range of grade-level content when you have limited time? Eureka Math2® provides a great...

Setting the Pace

The consistent and easy-to-use materials in Eureka Math2® were made with pacing in mind. Each grade level in Eureka Math

Eureka Math²® Earns Top Ratings from EdReports

We know that success in algebra begins by building a conceptual understanding of math in the early grades. That is why...

That’s a Wrap: Preparing for Land

Every math lesson has a learning outcome you hope your students will achieve, which is reflected in the lesson’s Key...

Learn: Your Lesson

Students build new knowledge during the Learn component of a Eureka Math2® lesson. It is the heart of the lesson, so...

All Systems Go—Ready for Launch.

Launch is a small but mighty portion of a Eureka Math2® lesson. Even though it’s often the shortest lesson component,...

Edutopia: Math Fluency Activities are Fun and Effective

Eureka Math® Seasonal Associate Kurt Stielow recently wrote an article in Edutopia, 4 Ways to Make Math Fluency...

Making the Most of Fluency

Procedural fluency is a key part of a student’s overall understanding of math concepts. That’s why every Eureka Math2®...

Reviewing High-Quality Instructional Materials for Mathematics

Is your school or district adopting new, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) for mathematics in the next few...

Newspaper Reports on Texas Elementary Math Curriculum’s Role in Recovery

Eureka Math® made headlines recently in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.The Fort Worth Independent School District...

Supporting Educators in Improving Practice Through Instructional Materials

Can curriculum and instructional materials be developed to not only support students in building knowledge and skills,...

Student Voices: How Eureka Math® Has Shaped Two Students’ Math Education

Nell McAnelly, chair of the board of directors for the Great Minds® Public Benefit Corporation, sat down with two grade...

Favorite Digital Resources

Eureka Math2® is designed to ensure that students build enduring knowledge. Because students achieve greatness with the...

Calcasieu Parish Expands Eureka Math² Implementation After Successful Pilot

After years of using Eureka Math®, Calcasieu Parish Public Schools (LA) decided to launch a small pilot of the new ...

Getting the Most Out of Your Teach Book

Instructional time with your students is incredibly valuable. That’s why Eureka Math2 includes resources to help you...

Math Lessons Support Student Discourse

Anyone who reads or experiences Eureka Math2 can see the importance we place on math discourse. Our lessons revolve...

Implementation Is a Journey

As you begin to use Eureka Math2, it’s important to remember that implementation is a journey. Like any great...

Eureka Math CAO Discusses Students’ Academic Needs in the Detroit News

In an article about how to help students make up lost ground due to the pandemic, the Detroit News featured an...

Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Using Art to Teach Math

Schools across the country are using beautiful Navajo rugs to teach elementary-school students about shapes and a...

Eureka Math² Family Math Night

When we partner with our students’ families and make connections with the community, we show students what...

Eureka Math²™ Pilot Boosts Student Engagement in Arkansas District

Paragould School District’s (AR) journey with Eureka Math® started in 2014, when they were in search of a curriculum...

Great Minds® Helps #ClearTheList for Eureka Math® Implementers

As schools across the country go back into session, we know that there is an unmet need for supplies and resources to...

Lynne Munson Writes About the Importance of Readability in Math Materials in The 74

Approximately one in five people have dyslexia, a learning difference that is widely understood to affect how students...

Make Student Learning Visible with High-Quality Assessments

Assessments are essential for making student learning visible. One of the reasons I love Eureka Math2™ is that it...

Bringing Math to Life: Putting Myself into My Lessons

I’ve been using Eureka Math® for a few years now, and I’ve seen the way the content unfolds and helps students ...

Successful Summer School Planning for Math

As the school year draws to a close, I’m often asked how to use Eureka Math® in a summer schoolprogram. The real answer...

We are all math teachers. We are all language teachers.

Perhaps you’ve heard the adage that math is a universal language. Some people may think that, because 1 + 1 = 2 is the...

Beyond Professional Development: Investing in Teachers and Leaders

When you make a large investment in a curricular change—particularly with a high-quality curriculum like Eureka Math...

Teachability: Curriculum Designed to Allow Teachers to Focus on What Matters Most—The Students.

The first time I opened a Teach book from Eureka Math2™, I was blown away by how easy it was to use. Everything I...

How to Help Students Build Deep Understanding of Math Concepts

The education field has seen decades of scrutiny, debate, and reform that has centered on the importance of procedural...

Kindergarten Assessment Made Easier

Assessing kindergartners in math can be a challenge. For one thing, young learners may struggle to express their...

How to Leverage Distance Learning Tools for In-Person Instruction

You may think of Eureka Math in Sync™ as a resource only for remote instruction, but it’s much more than that! Eureka...

Lynne Munson in Special Education TODAY on Making Math Accessible and Rigorous for All Students

Great Minds® founder and CEO Lynne Munson shares her family’s story and the Eureka Math2TM story in this post on the ...

How To Support Math Students With The Universal Design For Learning Principles

How do UDL Principles Apply to the Design of the Cockpit of a Fighter Jet and a Math Lesson?

First, let’s provide a...

Improving Readability In Math Without Compromising Rigor

How do You Improve Math Text Accessibility?

Imagine the experience of a beginning reader, a child with dyslexia, or a...

How To Support Multilingual Learners In Engaging In Math Conversations In The Classroom

One sunny September morning, I called my grade 4 class together to the carpet to start our

math lesson for the day. I...

How to Engage Math Students in Discourse Using Digital Tools

During my days as a classroom teacher, I always planned my math lessons with an eye on ways to authentically engage my...

Newspaper Spotlights the Need to Make Math Materials Readable for All Learners: One Student’s Impact on Eureka Math²

At Great Minds®, we take student voice seriously. Opportunities for students to engage in discourse about their...

Math For All: Past, Present, And Future

Math is not a set of isolated skills and algorithms. It is an integral element of almost every facet of humanity....

Grassroots Enthusiasm Powers Adoption of Evidence-Based Math and ELA Curricula

The Pentucket (Massachusetts) Regional School District’s journey to using high-quality mathematics and English language...

Address Unfinished Learning with Eureka Math Equip™

So your students have completed the Eureka Math Equip Pre-Module Assessment. Now what? First, view your class report by...

Tips for Sparking Joy, Boosting Engagement in Math Class from Eureka Math Writer and Veteran Teacher

Looking to engage your students in math while ensuring that they have fun at the same time? Grade 2 teacher and senior...

Why Math Journals are a Tool You Should Use in Your Classroom

Nell McAnelly has some can’t-miss advice in Edutopia. In a recent blog post, she explains why teachers should empower...

Educators Embrace Knowledge-Building Curricula, from Math Sprints to Playground Conversations

Improved achievement on state tests tell part of the success story at Capitol Collegiate Academy, a K–8 public charter...

K–2 Readability in Eureka Math²

Words should not get in the way of learning math. In my classroom, I often noticed that students struggled with the...

Digging into Cross-Curricular Content

I am the coordinator of curriculum and professional development for a medium-sized urban district in west-central Ohio....

Making the Most of Eureka Math Affirm

Our goal as math teachers is to support all students on their path to success. Assessments should provide information...

Great Minds Unveils Eureka Math²

For Immediate ReleaseContact:Chad Colby:

Great Minds Unveils Eureka Math2

Making Math Accessible with Eureka Math²

Greater student access to rigorous math content is a hallmark of the Eureka Math2™ curriculum. Supports for...

What's Next: Eureka Math²

From my days as a teacher in New York State, I remember the excitement that came with the launch of EngageNY Math/...

Believe in Your Students (and Believe in Yourself Too)

I’ll never forget the first time I used the area model to solve complex multiplication problems with my Grade 5...

Module Planning to Keep Students on Track

When my school started using Eureka Math®, teachers prepared to teach lessons one or a few at a time, usually just...

Why Parents Will Want Eureka Math


We recognize the importance of supporting parents during...

Top Back-to-school Blogs

The beginning of any school year can be nerve-wracking, especially with a new math curriculum. The following 5 blogs...

Relax, Unwind, And Reflect: A Summer Guide For Teachers New To Eureka Math


Summer is a blissful time when teachers recover from the hectic pace of the school year. It is a time that...

It's in the Cards: Having Fun While Addressing Summer Learning Loss

As summer vacation begins, families typically welcome the break from schoolwork. But the end of the school year...

Eureka Math is Your First Stop for RTI

Response to Intervention (RTI) is an approach to academic intervention that helps educators identify and support the...

Advancing Student Learning with Questions

As teachers, we ask a lot of questions. It’s part of the job. It’s how we learn about our students.

Questions serve a...

Eureka Math’s Tricia Miller Helps Louisiana School Children Affected by Storms, Pandemic

The Lake Charles American Press recently highlighted the hard work of Tricia Miller, a Eureka Math® professional...

Giving Teachers the PD They Need and Want

A few weeks ago, my oldest son got on the bus for his first day of 1st grade, which means he’s trading in his beach...

Webinar Study: Eureka Math RTI Webinar Series

Response to intervention (RTI) is an approach educators use to identify and support students’ individual learning...

Eureka Math Puts the Learner Front and Center

Early in my teaching career, I worried whether some of my students could be successful with grade-level math. I focused...

Multilingual Learners: Improving Access While Maintaining Rigor

When I was in the classroom, I sometimes struggled to prepare lessons that met the needs of multilingual learners, who,...

Grassroots Effort Spurs Excellence Outside Wichita

Angela Knapp recalls her anxiety when the Maize Unified School District 266 school board was getting ready to vote in...

Amid Many Changes, Quality Curriculum Supports Students and Teachers

Superintendent Shawn Kimble and his leadership team were clear. Despite the many challenges caused by the pandemic, the...

The Strain of self-printing

To print or not to print? Enterprise City Schools in Alabama learns the hard way that buying Eureka Math® printed...

Time Frame vs. Task Frame Instruction

I often find myself thinking, there just isn’t enough time in the day. You may have thought that too. Teachers often...

Preparing for Standardized Tests

State testing plays a prominent role in the evaluation of schools, teachers, and students. If you teach at a tested...

A Different Mindset about Pacing

Time is one of our most precious resources but as a new Eureka Math® teacher, I didn’t use it wisely. I took the time...

Analyzing Student Work


Standards-based Grading: Reaching Beyond Right or Wrong

Teachers often ask for help with assigning grades in Eureka Math. This is understandable: We math teachers share a love...

Reducing Unproductive Struggle and Maintaining Rigor

Words can’t even begin to describe the frustration I felt as both a special education teacher and an instructional...

New to Eureka Math? Help is at Your Fingertips

In a perfect world, every Eureka Math® teacher would get professional development to prepare for teaching Eureka Math...

Eureka Math Webinar Study: Math with Dignity

Every student is capable of greatness. Yet we also know that students come to us with various learning needs and...

Customizing Problems for All Learners

As a district math consultant supporting the implementation of Eureka Math®, part of my charge was to ensure that the...

What Is The Exit Ticket?


Gaining a Profound Understanding of the Value of Pi


On the fourteenth day of the third month of each year, teachers and students all over the country celebrate...

Eureka Math in Sync Gives Teachers More Time to Work With Students

Teachers are always learning. Teaching during the pandemic brought Jen VanDragt new insights about her third and fourth...

Read-Draw-Write: Making Word Problems Less Problematic

Students need a better approach to word problems than just key words.

The Struggle is Real (and Productive)

When your students struggle, your instinct may be to jump in and help them. That’s natural. You care about your...

Unmasking Tape: Diagrams Reveal Underlying Mathematics

A tape diagram is a pictorial model students can draw to represent a mathematical relationship or to develop...

In Math Instruction, Words Are Just as Important as Numbers

When working with students, choose language that communicates a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset.

How to Guide Students to a Deep Understanding of Math Concepts

The three building blocks of moving from doing (concrete) to seeing (pictorial) to symbolic (abstract) are particularly...

Math Discourse as Formative Assessment

We know that teachers need to be aware of students’ strengths and needs to help them learn math. But if we wait until...

Exit Tickets: Plan, Analyze, and Adjust

Exit Tickets are quick formative assessments that can help you make instructional decisions effectively. But with so...

Eureka Math and Assessment for Learning

Assessments for learning are formative assessments. Formative assessments are a way to get information about student...

Grading in Eureka Math®

As teachers, we know that grading is a required part of our work. When I first started teaching, the biggest mistake I...

324,000 California Students Use Eureka Math, Eureka Math in Sync

Wednesday, December 9, 2020—An estimated 324,000 California public school students in Transitional Kindergarten–Grade 8...

Maintaining Rigor with Eureka Math®

What does a rigorous mathematics classroom mean to you? When answering this question, many teachers think of how...

The Power of Conceptual Understanding

A lot of my success as a math student was due to rote memorization. I remember learning the FOIL method to multiply...

Maximizing Fluency Routines

As a Grade 5 teacher, I had the same frustration year after year: My students were not fluent in their basic math...

Building Mathematical Thinkers, One Application Problem at a Time

When am I ever going to use this in life?

My students asked me this question all the time. The truth is, I didn’t know...

Join Great Minds® without Leaving Your Classroom

Are you an educator or administrator who has seen the positive impact Eureka Math® has on your students? Or maybe...

Navigating the Digital Suite

The Eureka Digital Suite is the perfect companion to your printed Eureka Math® Teacher Edition. The digital suite is...

Using Your Teacher Edition to the Fullest

When I first started using Eureka Math®, I planned my lessons by opening the Teacher Edition and turning right to...

Four Tips for Managing Eureka Math Materials

Eureka Math lessons typically move from concrete to pictorial to symbolic representations, giving students greater...

Extending Your Classroom Community with Family Resources

When I taught Eureka Math®, I wanted a strong partnership between the classroom and my students’ at-home experiences....

The Math Manipulatives Hiding in a Junk Drawer

Math manipulatives are a key instructional strategy for young students. But what happens when math learning is...

Effectively Addressing Unfinished Learning

At the start ofeveryschool year,but especially this school year,you may wonder, “How do I adjust for missed modules

Continuous Learning in Action

The educationcommunityhasalways accepted change and adaptedto it.Butitsprobablyfair to say that weve never...

Supporting Students with Mathematical Models

The Eureka Math® curriculum uses an intentionally selected set of versatile models to support students’ learning and...

Excellent Instruction in Extraordinary Times

To say that the20192020 school yearwas out of the ordinary would be an understatement.Because of the pandemic,...

Starting with What They Know: An Asset-Based Approach to Helping All Students Access Grade-Level Math Content

LauraMarie Coleman, a professional development and implementation support leader for Eureka Math®, published this...

Thinking Creatively in Math Class

Finish this sentence: Math class is about . . .

Leading Public Charter Network Embraces Rigorous ELA and Math Curricula

IDEA Public Schools is one of the largest and most successful public charter networks in thecountry. Started in 2000 in...

Growing Up Good at Math

“When did you get so good at math?” I asked my 12-year-old son, Tucker, and he couldn’t contain his smile.

Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom Help California Charter School Network Continue Strong Gains in Math and ELA


Santa Ana438 students 86% low-income 40% English Learners 96% Hispanic/Latino

Adopted Eureka Math...

District Encouraged by Year One Math Gains

DISTRICT PROFILE Schools: 83 Students: 41,500

Adopted Eureka Math in School Year 2018–2019

Quentina Timoll,...

Even after Initial Gains, Elementary School Leaders Increase Investments in Professional Development


1,320 students

Grades K–5 adopted Eureka Math in School Year 2017–2018

Students at Legacy Early...

District Continues to Outpace the State Average. Progress Continues into 2019.

DISTRICT PROFILE Schools: 11 Students: 6,300 72% low-income

Adopted Eureka Math in Grades 3–5 in School Year...

Scores Up for Students—and for Teachers Too

Trust the process.

That is Jared Myracle’s advice for educators using Eureka Math® and, not coincidentally, the...

School Experiences Major Gains in First Year with Eureka Math®, Goes from Failing to Inspiring Others in District

SCHOOL PROFILE Grades: K–5 Students: 415

Percentage of students from low-income families: 100 percent

Adopted ...

Staying the Course Pays Dividends for State’s Largest School District

DISTRICT PROFILE Schools: 204 Students: 108,900

Includes Prekindergarten and public charter schools the district...

Math Scores Up at East Wake Academy after Eureka Math® Adoption

When Virginia Jacobs, a principal of the East Wake Academy public charter school in North Carolina’s Research...

Math Proficiency on the Rise in Detroit Public Schools

Detroit Public Schools adopted Eureka Math® in Grades K–8 in the fall of the 2018–2019 school year. And state test...

The CASEL Framework in Action: How Eureka Math® Integrates Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

By Joe Roicki and Andi Misemer with contribution from Ricky Mikelman

How does Eureka Math® integrate social-emotional...

District of Columbia Students Post Steady Gains with Eureka Math®

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Friday, Sept. 27, 2019—District of Columbia...

ICYMI: “Eureka Math Strategy Adding Up to Success in Guilford County Classrooms”

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Friday, Sept. 27, 2019—WFMY News 2 in Greensboro,...

Schools Average 13.6 Percent Math Gains Over Four Years

Public schools in St. James Parish (LA) have made major gains in math achievement since the district began using ...

Steady Gains for this Early Adopter of Eureka Math®

For educators in West Feliciana Parish Schools near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Superintendent Hollis Milton says the ...

With Student Math Performance at an All-Time High, District Strives to Keep Improving

Leaders at Iberia Parish Public Schools are justifiably proud of their progress over the past several years using ...

Utilizing Eureka Math for Successful Knowledge Building

Great Minds embraces the research that knowledge building should start at the outset of a student’s education. But what...

Knowledge Building for Long-Term Success

Great Minds® is the only curriculum developer to have earned Tier 1 ratings—the highest possible—from the Louisiana...

DC Public Schools and Eureka Math®

DC Public Schools have seen steady improvement on math achievement since they began using Eureka Math® in 2016....

Reaching Beyond Literacy with Knowledge Building Curricula

We believe every child is capable of greatness—and it’s our job to help them get there. Beyond providing highly rated,...

“Doing the Work” Yields Double-Digit Student Gains

The advice from Principal Patrick Sivori and Math Specialist Megan Tillery of Alex R. Kennedy Elementary School in...

Importance of "High-Quality"

We sit at the heart of what’s now known as the high-quality curriculum movement. As part of that movement, we believe...

Going “All In” Pays Off for Early Eureka Math® Adopter

In the more than 60 years since its founding, Bethel School District in Spanaway, Washington, just south of Seattle,...

Talking Eureka with NY's Teacher's Union

I recently attended a New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) meeting in Albany to talk with union representatives...

Curriculum, Training, and Persistence Lead to Big Math Gains in Arkansas District

The Paragould School District in Northeast Arkansas made the jump to Eureka Math® in 2014, seeking a curriculum...

Washington, DC Schools Make Record Gains Across Grades with Eureka Math®

After some Washington, DC schools began using Eureka Math®as early as 2013-2014, District of Columbia Public Schools...

Path to Student Mastery Begins with Teacher Mindset Shift

The Rio Rancho School District has experienced a lot of changes since it started using Eureka Math™️ in fall 2014, but...

Whittier City School District (CA) Singled Out for Math Excellence

One of only two California school districts with consistent math test gains in 2017

When educational leaders in the...

Three Steps for Acing Pacing in a Lesson

This blog entry is a follow-up to ourEureka Mathpacing webinar series from October 2017. It focuses on the process of...

Shifting to the Right Tool Yields Right Results at Florida Elementary school

Grade-level gains from 10 to 38 percentage points on the Florida State Assessment in just one year

Schoolcraft Elementary Makes Math Fun While Improving Test Scores by 15 Percent

“Wear” the Eureka Math®curriculum for a while. Customize the lessons for your students. And have fun.

Students Can “Build Knowledge Like Never Before”

David Pittman, instructional coach at Willow Creek Elementary School in Illinois, first discovered Eureka Math® in 2015...

Are You a Game-Changer on Curriculum Implementation? Principals should have a working knowledge of and be active participants in course content

As the principal of a large, comprehensive high school for seven years, one of my frustrations was how my teachers...

Vermilion Parish (LA) Continues to Make Strong Progress

Vermilion Parish Schools (LA) first adopted Eureka Math® in the 2013–2014 school year and the district continues to...

Pasco County (FL) Preparing for K–5 Implementation in the Fall

After a successful pilot of Eureka Math®, Pasco County (FL), will shift to district-wide implementation of the...

Iberia Parish (LA): Three years of impressive gains

Iberia Parish Public Schools (LA), now in their fourth year of using Eureka Math®, continue to make impressive gains...

Tillamook, Oregon: “It’s hard, but it’s the right way to go.”

Tillamook School District (Oregon) has had great success with Eureka Math™. Second-grade teachers began implementing...

Caldwell Parish (LA): Rural district is one of state’s fastest-improving

Caldwell Parish Schools (LA) started implementing Eureka Math® district-wide in 2014–2015, and it is among the state’s...

After Four Years, Lafayette (LA) Students Continue Making Steady Gains


Lafayette Parish, Louisiana’s fifth largest district, was one of the earliest Eureka Math®...

Problem Sets: Time Frame Not Task Frame


What do we all need more of? TIME! Whether it is time to finish projects in our personal or professional...

The Number Bond: A K-5 Model That Fosters Number Sense


In math education, the term “number sense” is thrown around all the time, ad nauseam. We all want our...

Application of the Tape Diagram—A Tool For Problem Solving


A load of bricks is twice as heavy as a load of sticks. The total weight of 4 loads of bricks and 4 loads of...

How to Promote a Deeper Understanding of Place Value


When I was a second grader, I thought place value was fairly dull.

The Value of Think Time


As teachers we are pressed for time. We have what seems like a week’s worth of material in front of us and...

Comparison of Fractions — Beyond Common Denominators


Given two fractions, how do we compare them? As a young student, the way I learned to compare fractions was...

The Progression Of Grade 4 Modules


Examining Student Work for Measurement Division


Traditionally speaking, most schools in the United States teach division of fractions procedurally. Students...

The Statistical Project: Student-directed Discovery

Young children are passionate and excited as they discover and explore their world. Look at the child pictured below. A...

The Progression of Grade 7 Modules

This blog examines the Grade 7 Modules in A Story of Ratios. Consider the following as an example of the intentional...

Teaching Addition With Integers Through the Integer Game


Eureka Math Lesson Structures

We are often asked for clarification about the differences between the elementary lesson structure and the secondary...

Resisting the Urge to Reteach for Mastery

We all want our students to get it. Not the fifth time…the first time. We want to be wowed, to marvel in their...

Keywords in Math


Eureka Math At Home: Supporting Families From The Start


In the life of an educator, August is the Sunday of summer. Sunday is a day of preparation, not only...

Pacing and Preparation


It's Not a Script


If you’ve seen the 1990 box office comedyKindergarten Cop, then you likely recall Arnold...

How far is the moon?

Imagine staring up at the moon on a spring evening and wondering, “how far away is the moon?” What would you do to...

Solving Word Problems Using Tape Diagrams (Part 1)

In my 10 years as a 7th and 8th-grade teacher, I never once saw a tape diagram. I was hesitant to use this model, but...

The Productive Struggle

The CCSS have been in existence for nearly 5 years. This time of transition has not been easy and it has challenged our...

The Anatomy of a Eureka Math Lesson

Not all Eureka Math lessons are formatted in the same way, but lessons in the same grade-band all follow a similar...

Fractional Division Interpretation: What is the Difference Between “Partitive” and “Measurement”?

Recently during a national mathematics conference, I posed the question, “How many of us understand the difference...

How are We Studying Transformations Differently?

If figures are what we study in mathematics, then transformations are how we relate them. Transformations are...

Problem Solving the RDW Way


Channeling Our Efforts as Educators

As we are challenged with thinking about math in a different way than many of us learned, it’s helpful to stop and...

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Explore simple yet crucial tips and articles for Math, Science and ELA.

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