Posted in: Aha! Blog > Eureka Math Blog > Assessments > What Is The Exit Ticket?
Daily formative assessments, or Exit Tickets, are presented in every lesson in the Eureka Math® curriculum to provide teachers with information about students’ mastery of topics. They provide quick glimpses of the day’s major learning for students and teachers. Through this routine, students grow accustomed to showing accountability for each day’s learning and they produce valuable data for the teacher that becomes an indispensable planning tool.
Exit Tickets do not require a grade because students are not expected to have mastered the topic they just learned in class the same day. Instead, the purpose is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of students individually and collectively. A quick glance at each student’s Exit Ticket immediately after they hand them in can provide enough information to evaluate a student’s level of understanding of the lesson taught that day. Based on this data, teachers are able to tailor subsequent lessons to meet the needs of their students individually and their class as a whole.

When the entire class struggles with the same concept, various strategies can be used in place of re-teaching. For example:
- a fluency could help close the gap.
- an opening exercise at the beginning of the next day’s lesson could address a misconception and may eliminate further misunderstandings.
On the other hand, the class may show a strong understanding of the day’s new concept, indicating they’re ready to move on. In this case, the teacher can move to the next lesson with confidence that students are well prepared for greater complexity. These types of decisions can only be made if Exit Tickets are evaluated immediately after a lesson.
A number of different strategies can be used to address individual students’ struggles. The information students provide the teacher when completing Exit Tickets could do the following:
- help the teacher create groups for the next day’s lesson according to their performance on the Exit Tickets. You could provide time for students to talk through their mistakes and make corrections. Another option is to use mixed level groups throughout the lesson so students use each other as resources and learn from a peer.
- cold call or circle back to individuals that you know struggled with the Exit Ticket.
- make a point to provide these students with immediate feedback to eliminate further confusion.
These are only a few suggestions for what you can do to address individual students and the class based on Exit Ticket performance. Ultimately, you know your class and students best to make appropriate decisions about how to meet their needs. In being responsive to Exit Tickets, you ensure that your students have a coherent understanding of topics across lessons and Modules.
This post is authored by Krysta Gibbs, a writer for the Grades 6 and 7 Eureka Math curriculum.
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Krysta Gibbs
Topics: Assessments