Literacy Growth Makes Emma Donnan a Standout

Adelante Schools, a public charter organization that operates Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School in Indianapolis, is gaining well-deserved...

Wit & Wisdom, Geodes, and Really Great Reading Are a Winning Combination for Early Readers in Scottsbluff

Scottsbluff Public Schools (NE) adopted Wit & Wisdom® in the 2018–2019 school year, followed by Geodes® in the 2021–2022 school year. We sat down...

Wit & Wisdom Brings Strong Writing and English Learner Supports to Minnesota Elementary School

Northside Elementary School (St. James, MN) adopted Wit & Wisdom® in the 2023–2024 school year in grades K–5. We sat down with principal Liam Dawson...

Momentum Builds in Warwick After Year One of Wit & Wisdom and Geodes Implementation

When the Rhode Island Department of Education passed legislation requiring districts to adopt high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), it was the...

Transition to Science of Reading-Aligned Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Yields Impressive Gains

In school year 2022–2023, Elmhurst Community School Unit District 205 in Illinois began implementing new instructional materials aligned to the...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Reaching Further with the Content Stages

This month’s blog builds on the Self-Study Series content from July and October. July’s post presented Read and Reflect activities that helped...

Using Wit & Wisdom and Geodes to Strengthen Fluency in Grades K–2

Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best fluency practices for every grade. In this post, we explore fluency instruction for students in Grades K–2....

Aha Moments in the Teaching with a Focus on Urgency Coaching Series

This fall, Great Minds® is expanding the Wit & Wisdom® Coaching Series with a new offering: Teaching with a Focus on Urgency. In this post,...

Brooklyn School Finds Success with Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

Rick Romain has been an educator at P.S. 268 (Brooklyn, NY) for eight years, first as assistant principal and now as principal for the last four...

Empowering Multilingual Learners in Wit & Wisdom

In this post, Rebecca Burgess, a Grade 3 teacher in Denver, Colorado, shares how she supports multilingual students in her classroom. Some of...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Refining Implementation of the Content Stages

This month’s blog continues the Self-Study Series introduced this summer. In July, we shared Read and Reflect activities designed to support readers’...

Anticipating Productive Struggle in the Focusing Question Arc

The Focusing Question Arc Study Protocol is one tool Wit & Wisdom® teachers use to prepare effective instruction. In this month’s post,...

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