Posted in: Aha! Blog > Eureka Math Blog > Implementation Support > Continuous Learning in Action
The education community has always accepted change and adapted to it. But it’s probably fair to say that we’ve never needed to adjust to circumstances at the scale and magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic before. Students will return to school—perhaps virtually—after an unprecedented gap in their traditional school experience. In spring 2020, Great Minds® worked diligently to ensure that student learning continued by creating and producing the Knowledge on the Go™ video series. Now, we find ourselves tackling the challenges ahead by bridging knowledge gaps and making sure that high-quality instruction is available to students in any setting.
Equip your students to engage with their grade-level math content.
As students head back to school, you may have questions about how math instruction should continue. Should you pick up where students left off in the previous grade level? Should you create a module with everything that your students may have missed?
The answer to both questions is no.
Students are best served by fully engaging within the conceptual framework and the trajectory of their grade-level content. We all know that unfinished learning can affect students’ ability to access content, but research shows and experts agree that the answer is not to reserve large chunks of instructional time to teach or reteach all that students may have missed. A more effective approach is to anticipate where students might need to reinforce foundational knowledge and sprinkle just-in-time instruction into the current content, so students stay on track. That’s why Great Minds created Eureka Math Equip™, a tool to help you anticipate and seamlessly integrate the supports students need.
Eureka Math Equip includes a series of premodule assessments you can use to identify gaps in the essential foundational knowledge for each module—pinpointing any weaknesses in student understanding that might derail the learning train. From there, Eureka Math Equip recommends supporting lessons and fluencies to fill those gaps, suggests when to use the recommendations, and provides instructions for adjusting pacing to accommodate the new content. You can administer the Eureka Math Equip premodule assessments digitally or print them for students.
Get in sync with your students. Support continuous learning.
Many teachers are wondering, “How can I add supporting content if we’re not back to business as usual in the fall or if we have another disruption during the school year?” The Great Minds team has thought hard about how best to support learning in a variety of settings—the classroom, at home, or some combination of both. To ensure that your students always have access to high-quality instructional experiences, take advantage of Eureka Math in Sync™. It provides a twofold approach to each lesson: direct video instruction and teacher-facilitated math discourse, both of which can be used online or in person.
Eureka Math in Sync is a customized continuous learning program that allows you to toggle seamlessly from classroom instruction to distance learning without sacrificing coherent knowledge building. With Eureka Math in Sync, you have the tools you need to ensure that students continue to learn and grow, regardless of their learning environment. This Learn Anywhere Plan supports teachers, students, and families. What’s more, the program includes plans for supporting lessons and fluency activities recommended by Eureka Math Equip. That makes Eureka Math in Sync and Eureka Math Equip the perfect pairing for continuous learning.
Eureka Math® is dedicated to helping you meet your students’ needs during these uncertain times in education. We know that every student is capable of greatness, and we are incredibly honored to be a part of students’ academic journeys. We embrace these new beginnings with you, our fellow educators, and look forward to our continued partnership.
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Carrie Thornton
Carrie Thornton is a Eureka Math Implementation Leader. She is a former 4th grade teacher and new teacher mentor from Bethel School District in Washington state.
Topics: Implementation Support