Posted in: Aha! Blog > Eureka Math Blog > Assessments Student Engagement Implementation Support Eureka Math Squared > Make Student Learning Visible with High-Quality Assessments
Assessments are essential for making student learning visible. One of the reasons I love Eureka Math2™ is that it includes coherent, aligned assessments that offer valuable insight into what students know and what they are still learning. The Achievement Descriptors, Exit Tickets, Topic Quizzes, and Module Assessments provide information that help you collect data and make individualized instructional choices.
Achievement Descriptors show the path to proficiency.
Several skills can be embedded into one math standard. Eureka Math2 Achievement Descriptors are useful because they clearly identify which aspect of the math that students are learning. This information helps you determine what to look for in student work. The Achievement Descriptors provide a description of the path students might take from partially proficient to proficient to highly proficient. Achievement Descriptors help you make meaning of student assessment by focusing your attention on the math and allowing you to see where your students are on the path to proficiency.
Assessment happens at every stage of learning.
Every minute of every math lesson is an opportunity to assess students through questions, conversations, and observations. To supplement the valuable minute-to-minute assessment, Eureka Math2 provides assessments at the lesson, topic, and module levels. These assessments allow you to see what your students are already proficient with, what types of errors they are making, and which concepts may still be a challenge. Review these assessments alongside the Achievement Descriptors to gather the data you need to adjust instruction for your class.
Exit Tickets help you plan the next lesson.
At the lesson level, Eureka Math2 provides short, formative assessments called Exit Tickets. These are developmentally appropriate at each level in terms of readability, writing, working space, length, and problem complexity. A review of your class’s Exit Tickets will show the strategies and models students use, as well as areas for additional instruction. Use the data to make decisions about the next lesson. You may find student understanding is on pace and you can move forward. Or you may discover some areas for support, such as practicing prior learning through a modified Fluency activity or reminding students about models they have previously used successfully. The following examples are Exit Tickets from grades 3 and 7.
Topic Quizzes and Module Assessments allow you to follow up.
Eureka Math2 is designed with the understanding that students gain proficiency with math concepts over time. Exit Tickets don’t tell the whole story of your students’ learning as it pertains to each Achievement Descriptor. Topic Quizzes and Module Assessments provide additional visibility into student learning. You’ll see whether students have moved from partially proficient to proficient over the course of a topic or module. Just as Exit Tickets help you plan for the next lesson, Topic Quizzes and Module Assessments help you plan for the next topic or module. The premium assessment package includes access to Benchmark Assessments that cover learning over multiple modules.
Pre-Module Assessments help you prepare students for upcoming learning.
The premium assessment package also includes Pre-Module Assessments, which indicate students’ readiness to engage with the content of the next module. These assessments focus on essential foundational knowledge, so you’ll know how to plan for students’ success based on their readiness to engage with the upcoming content. Pre-Module Assessments are part of Eureka Math2 Equip™, which also provides suggestions for supporting content and student grouping.
When you have assessment tools that give you visibility into your students’ learning, you’ll know what your students are working on, gain insight into their growth, and be able to monitor them as they move along the path to proficiency. That’s all the information you need to help your students be successful!
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Jessica Bulgarelli
Jessica Bulgarelli is an implementation leader for Eureka Math at Great Minds®. Previously, she was a middle school math teacher and instructional leader in Baltimore City, Maryland.
Topics: Assessments Student Engagement Featured Implementation Support Eureka Math Squared