Eureka Math Logo

Assessment Overview

Imagine knowing what your students are thinking about a given math skill or concept at any time and being able to fill knowledge gaps along the way. Making learning visible is the focus of our Eureka Math® assessment system.

Laptop with Assessment Dashboard and Collage

Assessment Before Learning

Diagnostic Assessment
- Eureka Math Equip®

Assessment During Learning

Formative Assessment
- Exit Tickets
- Topic Tickets
- Mid-Module Assessments

Assessment After Learning

Summative Assessment
- End-of-Module Assessments


Identify and Close Knowledge Gaps with Eureka Math Equip: Diagnostic Assessment 

Eureka Math Equip is a digital diagnostic tool designed to identify and address unfinished learning through just-in-time instruction, teacher videos, and fluency practice 

Eureka Math Equip determines the essential foundational knowledge a student has that will be needed in upcoming lessons. With this diagnostic tool, educators can ensure that all students can access grade-level content. 

Laptop showing Eureka Math Equip dashboard


Formative Assessment

Progress-monitoring tools ensure that students stay on track while providing teachers with data to address student misconceptions.

Sample Eureka Math Exit Ticket Sheets

Exit Tickets

Topic Quizzes (Affirm only)

Eureka Math - Affirm Topic Quizzes
Eureka Math - Mid-Module Assessment

Mid-Module Assessments 


Summative Assessment

Measure proficiency with major concepts, skills, and applications against standards over time. When administered digitally, summative assessments include various technology-enhanced items found on annual state tests. 

End-of-Module Assessments

Eureka Math - End-of-Module Assessment – 1


Digital Assessments and Data to Drive Instruction

Eureka Math Affirm® is a digital assessment and practice tool. Eureka Math Affirm features instant scoring and reporting to help track student progress over time and provides opportunities for students to practice for standardized assessments.

Assessment data from Eureka Math Affirm shows teachers exactly what students know and are able to do.
  • Eureka Math Affirm has more than 450 assessments for Grade 1 through Precalculus.
  • Topic quizzes and Mid-Module and End-of-Module Assessments are fully aligned with the Eureka Math assessments.  
  • Assessments are different from those in the print edition of the curriculum. 
  • Items cover Depth of Knowledge levels 1–3. 
  • 80 percent of items are auto-scored. 
  • Assessments include many tech-enhanced items found on high stakes tests (state tests, ACT or SAT) including fill in the blank, short answer, graphing, and drag and drop.  
  • Teachers can customize existing assessments and build new ones by using the Eureka Math Item Bank. 
  • Digital assessment data are available in various auto-generated proficiency reports at the individual, classroom, and school levels.