Assessment Overview
Imagine knowing what your students are thinking about a given math skill or concept at any time and being able to fill knowledge gaps along the way. Making learning visible is the focus of our Eureka Math® assessment system.

Assessment Before Learning
Diagnostic Assessment
- Eureka Math Equip®
Assessment During Learning
Formative Assessment
- Exit Tickets
- Topic Tickets
- Mid-Module Assessments
Assessment After Learning
Summative Assessment
- End-of-Module Assessments
Identify and Close Knowledge Gaps with Eureka Math Equip: Diagnostic Assessment
Eureka Math Equip is a digital diagnostic tool designed to identify and address unfinished learning through just-in-time instruction, teacher videos, and fluency practice.
Eureka Math Equip determines the essential foundational knowledge a student has that will be needed in upcoming lessons. With this diagnostic tool, educators can ensure that all students can access grade-level content.
Formative Assessment
Progress-monitoring tools ensure that students stay on track while providing teachers with data to address student misconceptions.

Exit Tickets
Topic Quizzes (Affirm only)

Mid-Module Assessments
Summative Assessment
Measure proficiency with major concepts, skills, and applications against standards over time. When administered digitally, summative assessments include various technology-enhanced items found on annual state tests.
End-of-Module Assessments

Digital Assessments and Data to Drive Instruction
Eureka Math Affirm® is a digital assessment and practice tool. Eureka Math Affirm features instant scoring and reporting to help track student progress over time and provides opportunities for students to practice for standardized assessments.

- Eureka Math Affirm has more than 450 assessments for Grade 1 through Precalculus.
- Topic quizzes and Mid-Module and End-of-Module Assessments are fully aligned with the Eureka Math assessments.
- Assessments are different from those in the print edition of the curriculum.
- Items cover Depth of Knowledge levels 1–3.
- 80 percent of items are auto-scored.
- Assessments include many tech-enhanced items found on high stakes tests (state tests, ACT or SAT) including fill in the blank, short answer, graphing, and drag and drop.
- Teachers can customize existing assessments and build new ones by using the Eureka Math Item Bank.
- Digital assessment data are available in various auto-generated proficiency reports at the individual, classroom, and school levels.