
Curriculum overview for families








An Introduction to Wit & Wisdom®

From Great Minds®, the organization that created Eureka Math®, Wit & Wisdom is a K–8 English language arts curriculum that brings the rich content everyone loves into your child's classroom.  We believe that classrooms are places where students and teachers encounter wit, wisdom, wonder, rigor, and knowledge and that literature, history, art, and science all have a place in ELA instruction. Wit & Wisdom helps your student meet the expectations of the new standards while celebrating the joy of reading and writing. 

Watch this 10-minute introduction to see how Wit & Wisdom:

  • Uses diverse complex texts to build knowledge
  • Supports the needs of diverse learners
  • Invites families to engage with the content alongside their student

For families


This video provides a brief overview of Wit & Wisdom instruction for districts or schools to share with families and caregivers.

Para familias


Este video contiene información general sobre Wit & Wisdom para que los distritos o escuelas la compartan con familias o cuidadores.


Why is Knowledge Building Important for Learning?

Knowledge has a multiplier effect—the earlier you learn, the better you do in later years. These time-tested and much-used materials help kids get a head start learning essential literacy skills, knowledge across different fields, and important values of empathy and perseverance. Building this knowledge prepares students to reach their full potential and become empathetic and productive citizens in the real world.

Learn more with our FREE Knowledge Building Primer.

Knowledge Primer cover with illustration of person scuba diving


Module-level tip sheets that provide module content, a list of all texts students will read in the module, sample questions to ask, and other activities to extend students' thinking at home.

Use las páginas de consejos de Wit & Wisdom para que los padres y guardianes se involucren en conversaciones en casa ricas en contenido y conocimiento. Las páginas de consejos incluyen un resumen del contenido de los módulos, una lista de todos los textos que los estudiantes leerán en el módulo, una lista de libros adicionales para leer en casa, ejemplos de preguntas para hacer en casa y actividades para extender la reflección y el aprendizaje.

Access Family Tip Sheets in other languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, and more.




Access Family Welcome Letters in other languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, and more.

Access Multilingual Glossaries in other languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, and more.


Activities to Engage Families Year-Round with Wit & Wisdom®

Engaging families and caregivers in Wit & Wisdom® can have a positive impact on student learning. Consider some of the ideas below for engaging families in Wit & Wisdom, hosting an annual literacy...

Humanities CAO Rachel Stack Shares Tips for Encouraging Summer Reading

Rachel Stack, chief academic officer for the Great Minds® Humanities team, has some great suggestions for encouraging kids to read over the summer. She shares them in this op-ed in her hometown...

Wit & Wisdom Fellow Shares 5 Tips for Encouraging Students to Read for Fun

Wit & Wisdom® Fellow Britton King had a favorite moment during last winter’s Super Bowl. No, it wasn’t a touchdown or an interception. It was when photographers caught Los Angeles Rams star Andrew...

Dual Sides of Family Engagement

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on how they engage families and caregivers in Wit & Wisdom® curriculum. Ami Smith, a content developer for Great Minds®, reflects on her...

Pathways to Family Engagement

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on how they engage families and caregivers in the Wit & Wisdom® curriculum. Anna Bradshaw, a multi-classroom leader in Crossett School...

Engaging Families in Wit & Wisdom

As educators, we are experts in curriculum and instruction. We understand, broadly, students’ needs and how to help students grow academically. Families and caregivers, on the other hand, are experts...

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A new approach to early literacy from Great Minds and Wilson Language Training® that allows students to learn how to read while reading to learn.

Learn more about our approach to early literacy.








Watch this 1-minute introduction video

Learning to Read While Reading to Learn

A new collection of accessible, knowledge-building books for developing readers, Geodes are aligned to the science of reading and designed to be paired with an explicit, systematic foundational skills program.

While most early literacy books are quite basic, Geodes are rich with facts and ideas that spark students’ curiosity about the world around them.

Take a look inside Geodes books and access support resources for Levels K–2 below.   

Enhanced Supports for Multilingual Students and Families

Each Geodes book extends learning through:

  • Family Tip Sheets
  • My Geodes®, take-home versions of the titles
  • My Geodes digital platform
  • a More section that gives students an opportunity to build additional knowledge and vocabulary in English and in Spanish