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Walk into an early elementary classroom these days in Nash County (NC) Public Schools, and you’re apt to notice...
This fall, Great Minds® is expanding the Wit & Wisdom® Coaching Series with a new offering: Teaching with a Focus on...
This month’s blog continues the Self-Study Series introduced this summer. In July, we shared Read and Reflect...
Hi Teacher Friends,
Lori and Melissa from the Melissa & Lori Love Literacy podcast are taking over this month’s blog....
The Sentinel in Aurora, Coloradorecently featuredWit & Wisdom® in an education article spotlighting efforts by...
In 2019, 5.1 million students—10.4 percent of students across the US—were formally identified as English learners (...
The recent release of the Nation’s Report Card presents a cause for deep concern, particularly the shocking statistic...
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...
Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...
Over a decade ago, E.D. Hirsch and Robert Pondiscio argued that reading tests are actually tests of knowledge. In other...
This Month’s Focus
The importance of high-quality curriculum is no secret. A 2015 study conducted by the Center for...
Terri Downing offers great advice to parents in an op-ed in the Asheville Citizen-Times.
Educators have cause for concern. Only about a third of Grade 4 students are proficient readers. A disproportionate...
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chad Colby:
Monday, March 2, 2020—Grades K–2 of Wit & Wisdom®,...
The Post and Courier of Charleston, South Carolina, just ran a series on disparate education quality and poor student...
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chad Colby:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019—Great Minds® is seeking...
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chad Colby:
Friday, Sept. 27, 2019—An NBC News story highlig...
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chad Colby:
Monday, Aug. 5, 2019—Teachers now have the option...
In Part 1 of this blog series, we discussed the definition of volume of reading as well as why volume of reading is...
What exactly is avolume of reading? If you put the day’s schedule on the board for students to read, is that a volume...
For this second interview in our Author/Illustrator blog series, we enjoyed an enlightening conversation with...