After Successful Pilot, Massachusetts District Overhauls Literacy Instruction.

While visiting two underperforming schools as part of a series of regular walk-throughs, Haverhill Public Schools Chief...

Chicago Elementary School Making Steady ELA Gains with Wit & Wisdom

Embracing the science of reading is paying off at Armour Elementary School in Chicago. The PK–8 school in the...

Illinois School Experiences ELA Gains, Classroom Joy with Wit & Wisdom

Liberty Intermediate School, located an hour south of Chicago, is making huge strides in English language arts. The...

Ohio District Sees Gains Across Grades, Big Improvement for Multilingual Learners with Wit & Wisdom

Pickerington Local School District, a diverse system made up of roughly 12,000 students outside of Columbus, is used to...

North Carolina District ‘Knocking It Out of the Park’ in English Language Arts

Walk into an early elementary classroom these days in Nash County (NC) Public Schools, and you’re apt to notice...

Literacy Growth Makes Emma Donnan a Standout

Adelante Schools, a public charter organization that operates Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School in Indianapolis,...

Wit & Wisdom, Geodes, and Really Great Reading Are a Winning Combination for Early Readers in Scottsbluff

Scottsbluff Public Schools (NE) adopted Wit & Wisdom® in the 2018–2019 school year, followed by Geodes® in the...

Wit & Wisdom Brings Strong Writing and English Learner Supports to Minnesota Elementary School

Northside Elementary School (St. James, MN) adopted Wit & Wisdom® in the 2023–2024 school year in grades K–5. We sat...

Momentum Builds in Warwick After Year One of Wit & Wisdom and Geodes Implementation

When the Rhode Island Department of Education passed legislation requiring districts to adopt high-quality...

Transition to Science of Reading-Aligned Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Yields Impressive Gains

In school year 2022–2023, Elmhurst Community School Unit District 205 in Illinois began implementing new instructional...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Reaching Further with the Content Stages

This month’s blog builds on the Self-Study Series content from July and October. July’s post presented Read and Reflect...

Using Wit & Wisdom and Geodes to Strengthen Fluency in Grades K–2

Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best fluency practices for every grade. In this post, we explore fluency instruction...

Aha Moments in the Teaching with a Focus on Urgency Coaching Series

This fall, Great Minds® is expanding the Wit & Wisdom® Coaching Series with a new offering: Teaching with a Focus on...

Brooklyn School Finds Success with Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

Rick Romain has been an educator at P.S. 268 (Brooklyn, NY) for eight years, first as assistant principal and now as...

Empowering Multilingual Learners in Wit & Wisdom

In this post, Rebecca Burgess, a Grade 3 teacher in Denver, Colorado, shares how she supports multilingual students in...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Refining Implementation of the Content Stages

This month’s blog continues the Self-Study Series introduced this summer. In July, we shared Read and Reflect...

Anticipating Productive Struggle in the Focusing Question Arc

The Focusing Question Arc Study Protocol is one tool Wit & Wisdom® teachers use to prepare effective instruction. In...

From Workshop to Wit & Wisdom

In this blog post, Portland Public Schools teacher Teri Joseph shares her journey from teaching reading and writing...

JHU Analysis finds Wit & Wisdom and Geodes Help Build Knowledge

The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Institute for Education Policy developed a Knowledge Map™ for English language...

English Learner Success Forum highlights how Wit & Wisdom is supporting multilingual learners in Portland, Oregon

The English Learner Success Forum, a collaboration of educators and leaders focused on ensuring multilingual learners...

Want to Give Summer Reading a Boost? Pair It with Art

I'm a teacher in New York City, and I'm excited about city leaders’ new focus on ensuring all students get great...

Introducing the Self-Study Series: Exploring the Wit & Wisdom Reading Framework

In this month’s blog, we launch our first Self-Study Series. This series supports educators as they deepen their...

Prioritizing Fluency Practice in the Middle Grades

This month, we focus on fluency. Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best practices for fluency instruction at every...

Wit & Wisdom Rises to the Top in Thoughtfully Crafted Curriculum Pilot

The time had come in Westside Community Schools (NE) to search for a new K–8 English language arts curriculum. With new...

Building a Library to Support a Purposeful, Joyful Volume of Reading

This month, we turn our attention to the Volume of Reading libraries in Wit & Wisdom®. The Volume of Reading text lists...

Unlocking Reading Comprehension: The Power of Activating Prior Knowledge

Hi Teacher Friends,

Lori and Melissa from the Melissa & Lori Love Literacy podcast are taking over this month’s blog....

Using Wit & Wisdom Multilingual Glossaries

The Multilingual Glossaries are available in 14 languages and accessible to all Wit & Wisdom® educators. In this...

What’s New in Wit & Wisdom?

At Great Minds®, we believe that every student deserves access to the highest quality education possible. That's why we...

The Impact of High-Quality Professional Learning

When working with high-quality instructional materials such as Wit & Wisdom®, teachers need professional learning to...

Two Implementation Leaders Applaud Growing Movement to Teach Phonics and Build Background Knowledge

Congratulations to Wit & Wisdom implementation leaders Megan Faughnan and Jessica Boisen, whose article on teaching...

Analyzing Student Learning

The power of curriculum-based assessments comes from reviewing students’ assessment tasks to understand their strengths...

EdWeek Report Looks at the Benefits of Integrated Reading and Writing

Until recently, elementary writing instruction has received little attention, especially as more educators focus on the

Assessing Student Learning with the End in Mind

Strong implementation of Wit & Wisdom® relies on using curriculum-based assessments to inform instruction. Every...

The Sentinel Highlights Praise of Wit & Wisdom® and Science of Reading

The Sentinel in Aurora, Coloradorecently featuredWit & Wisdom® in an education article spotlighting efforts by...

Choreographing Instructional Routines with Multilingual Learners in Mind

When I walk into a Wit & Wisdom® classroom, I enter an exciting place where I see Word Walls and anchor charts. I see...

Supporting Educators in Improving Practice Through Instructional Materials

Can curriculum and instructional materials be developed to not only support students in building knowledge and skills,...

Meet the Wit & Wisdom Fellows: LaCrystal Wiggins

As a secondary educator and Literacy Coach at the Stadium School in Baltimore, Maryland, LaCrystal Wiggins has seen...

Meet the Wit & Wisdom Fellows: Alex Evans

English Language Arts Coach Alex Evans has been an educator for 10 years with the Urban Choice Charter School in...

Watering Up: Teaching Wit & Wisdom® to Emerging English Learners

In 2019, 5.1 million students—10.4 percent of students across the US—were formally identified as English learners (...

Meet the Wit & Wisdom Fellows: Korneeka James

Master Teacher and Instructional Coach Korneeka James has been a teacher for 16 years and a Wit & Wisdom® user for the...

Addressing Pandemic Learning Gaps with Wit & Wisdom

The recent release of the Nation’s Report Card presents a cause for deep concern, particularly the shocking statistic...

Wit & Wisdom Educator Shares Tips for Parents to Help with Reading

As educators across the country work hard to help students rebound academically from the pandemic, many parents are...

Literacy Knowledge: The Relationship Between Reading and Writing

The Humanities team at Great Minds® stays updated on the current scientific research on literacy. We bring research to...

Examining Scarborough’s Rope: Literacy Knowledge

Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...

Knowledge Matters, Too

The Science of Reading is getting increased attention from national media, including this cover story,

All Students Can Develop Strong Verbal Reasoning

This Month’s Focus 

The Humanities team at Great Minds® stays updated on the current scientific research on literacy....

Examining Scarborough’s Rope: Verbal Reasoning

Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...

Munson Highlights NYC’s Plan for Serving Children with Dyslexia

In an op-ed in the New York Daily News, Great Minds® CEO and Founder Lynne Munson gives the Big Apple a shout-out for...

Professional Learning Strengthens Implementation in Orangeburg County

When Orangeburg County School District (SC) began implementing Wit & Wisdom® in Grades K–8 during the 2020–2021 school...

Activities to Engage Families Year-Round with Wit & Wisdom®

Engaging families and caregivers in Wit & Wisdom® can have a positive impact on student learning. Consider some of the...

Switching to Wit & Wisdom, Geodes, and Fundations Already Paying Off

Switching from the CKLA’s Grades K–2 curriculum in 2021–2022 to the combination of Wit & Wisdom® (English language...

Explaining Louisiana’s New Knowledge-Rich, More Equitable Reading Test

Louisiana is making important strides to innovate when it comes to state reading assessments, and Lior Klirs, director...

Sticking to the Deep Dive: One Teacher’s Approach to Language Instruction

This Month’s Focus 

The Humanities team at Great Minds® stays updated on the current scientific research on literacy....

Examining Scarborough’s Rope: Language Structures

Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...

Why I Spend My Summer Teaching Teachers

As the sun set on a truly special school year, I was preparing for what my next steps were. Typically, teachers spend...

Flagship International Literacy Association Publication, Literacy Today, Features Rachel Stack

The July/August/September 2022 edition of Literacy Today from the International Literacy Association features an essay...

My “Lemonade Story”: Creating Access for Multilingual Learners

During my last year of teaching, my school was affected by budget cuts. As a result, I was the only ESL teacher...

Educators See ELA Curriculum’s Early Positive Impact

When Kristen Santilli became district-wide director of curriculum, instruction, and data for Grades PK–12 at Shelton...

Building Vocabulary: Wit & Wisdom's Approach to Morphemic Awareness

This Month’s Focus  

The Humanities team at Great Minds® stays updated on the current scientific research on literacy....

Examining Scarborough’s Rope: Vocabulary

Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...

Humanities CAO Rachel Stack Shares Tips for Encouraging Summer Reading

Rachel Stack, chief academic officer for the Great Minds® Humanities team, has some great suggestions for encouraging...

Wit & Wisdom Fellow Shares 5 Tips for Encouraging Students to Read for Fun

Wit & Wisdom® Fellow Britton King had a favorite moment during last winter’s Super Bowl.No, it wasn’t a touchdown or an...

Implementing Wit & Wisdom: An Evaluation Research Report

Johns Hopkins University studied the impact of Wit & Wisdom ® on students whose teachers began using the ELA...

Knowledge for All: Strategies for Hosting an Inclusive Knowledge Party

This Month’s Focus 

At Great Minds®, the Humanities team stays updated with the current scientific research on...

Examining Scarborough’s Rope: Background Knowledge

Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a model for understanding the components of skilled reading. This blog series...

State Testing Time? Don’t Stop Your High-Quality Instruction

Worried about the “need” for test prep this time of year and its impact on your teaching?George Galindo, an...

A Knowledge-Rich Approach Shouldn’t Stop on Testing Days: Wit & Wisdom’s Katie Waters Explains in the Dallas Morning News

Katie Waters, content lead for Wit & Wisdom®, has an op-ed in the Dallas Morning News on positive changes to the Texas...

The Science of Reading and High-Quality ELA Materials

This Month’s Focus

At Great Minds®, the Humanities team stays updated with the current scientific research on literacy....

Challenging, High-Quality Instructional Materials Support Impressive Gains in English Language Arts

Before becoming the director of curriculum and instruction at Friendship Aspire Academy–Pine Bluff, Angela Dixon was a...

Why a Bronx School Switched Its English Language Arts Curriculum Mid-Pandemic

When school leaders at P.S. 236 in the Bronx, NY, found that Units of Study, a reading curriculum produced by Columbia...

A Guide on the Side: How a Coach Supports Strong Instruction

Teaching Wit & Wisdom lessons demands intellectual energy to engage students in deep thinking. For teachers, working...

Coaching Wit & Wisdom Educators: Building a Relationship for Effective Curriculum-Based Coaching

This month, Amina Naseer shares her reflections on some of the principles that ground Wit & Wisdom®’s approach to...

Supporting Equitable English Language Arts Instruction Through Knowledge-Building Text Sets

Every child deserves access to rigorous grade-level content. Too often, early literacy instruction focuses only on...

The Science of Reading: What is prior knowledge and why is it important?

Dr. Hollis Scarborough’s Reading Rope famously shows us that reading is one of the most complex things that we do...

Two Teachers Share How Adopting Wit & Wisdom® Shifted Test Preparation

Over a decade ago, E.D. Hirsch and Robert Pondiscio argued that reading tests are actually tests of knowledge. In other...

Keep, Stop, Start: Preparing for a State Assessment

This Month’s Focus

Our focus this month turns to state testing. Testing occurs each spring, but for many educators...

All Students Can Read Complex Texts

Research shows that meeting students where they are by providing easy-to-access texts will not prepare students for...

How To Make English Language Arts Accessible For Multilingual Learners

After spending many years teaching grade 4, I took a leap into a middle school English learner teaching position....

North Carolina District Gets Spotlight for Literacy Efforts

It’s great to see Jackson County Public Schools get the attention it deserves for taking important steps to improve...

Maximizing Middle School Instructional Time with Reading Homework

I remember flipping through the Wit & Wisdom® Teacher Edition for the first time six years ago. I relished the...

Tools for Mastering Pacing

“Trust in the process” was a common phrase I heard as I began implementing Wit & Wisdom® in my classroom. So I did just...

Coaching Classroom Educators: Maximizing Instructional Time with Wit & Wisdom®

Our focus this month is on maximizing instructional time. In this leadership blog post, Andrea Baldwin shares a process...

Bringing Equitable and Engaging Writing Practices to the Elementary Classroom

Tanisha Washington, a regional director of implementation services for Wit & Wisdom®, shares her story of getting...

Grassroots Enthusiasm Powers Adoption of Evidence-Based ELA and Math Curricula

The Pentucket (Massachusetts) Regional School District’s journey to using high-quality mathematics and English language...

The Power of Integrating Reading and Writing in the ELA Classroom

There is a lot of talk about how today’s math instruction looks pretty different from how most adults learned math as...

Educators Embrace Knowledge-Building Curricula, from Playground Conversations to Math Sprints

Improved achievement on state tests tell part of the success story at Capitol Collegiate Academy, a K–8 public charter...

How To Support English Language Arts Students With The Universal Design For Learning Principles

  How do UDL Principles Apply to Architecture and an English Language Arts (ELA) Lesson

Believing in Our Students

This month, we encouraged educators across the country to reflect on access and equity, specifically for students with...

Engaging an Inclusive Community of Learners

This month, we encouraged educators across the country to reflect on access and equity, specifically for students with...

Addressing Students’ Needs: Access and Equity for Students with Learning Disabilities

Equitable instruction includes careful consideration of and planning for access by all students, including students...

Meet the Wit & Wisdom Fellows: Tabitha Garvin

When Tabitha Garvin, a grade 5 educator, first heard about Wit & Wisdom® as an instructional coach in her district, she...

Meet the Wit & Wisdom Fellows: Devin L. James

Grade 5 and 6 Humanities Educator Devin L. James shares an experience teaching with Wit & Wisdom® that many can...

Knowledge Building Can Be Fun

This month, we encouraged educators across the country to reflect on their transition to using the Wit & Wisdom®...

My Transition from Skills-Based Instruction

This month, we encouraged educators across the country to reflect on their transition to using the Wit & Wisdom®...

Let’s Talk About Books and Best Practices in Literacy Instruction

Conversations are happening in school districts around the country about what children are learning and, notably, what...

Trusting in the Process: The Transition to High-Quality Curriculum

This Month’s Focus

The importance of high-quality curriculum is no secret. A 2015 study conducted by the Center for...

Educators Wept with Joy at English Language Arts Achievement Gains

When the principal of Clayton Elementary School in this Denver suburb announced English language arts state test scores...

Dual Sides of Family Engagement

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on how they engage families and caregivers in Wit & Wisdom...

Pathways to Family Engagement

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on how they engage families and caregivers in the Wit &...

Engaging Families in Wit & Wisdom

As educators, we are experts in curriculum and instruction. We understand, broadly, students’ needs and how to help...

Want to Know How School is Going for Your Children? Ask the Right Questions

Terri Downing offers great advice to parents in an op-ed in the Asheville Citizen-Times.

The Coach We All Need: How Great Coaches Support Teacher Preparation

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on their preparation for Wit & Wisdom® instruction. Mandy...

How I Prepare to Teach Wit & Wisdom®

This month, we asked educators across the country to reflect on their preparation for Wit & Wisdom® instruction....

Structural Design Features for Effective ELA Instruction Preparation

Most educators graduate from teacher preparation programs ready to plan their lessons but not to internalize...

Prioritized Instruction for the 2021–2022 Academic Year

Prioritized Instruction for the 2021–2022 Academic Year:A Position Paper from the Great Minds® Humanities Team

At Great...

Complex Texts for Academic and Social-Emotional Learning

This month, we asked teachers across the country to reflect on how they engage their students in Wit &Wisdom’s® complex...

Solidifying Academic Vocabulary Through Complex Texts and Hands-On Experiences

This month, we asked teachers across the country to reflect on how they engage their students in Wit & Wisdom’s®...

Using Complex Texts to Address Unfinished Instruction

At Great Minds®, we believe all students deserve opportunities to read complex texts, complete grade-level tasks, and...

Understanding Wit & Wisdom


Deep understanding of each module and the Wit & Wisdom approach will empower you to fully leverage the...

Wit & Wisdom® Opening Minds through Hands-On Learning Opportunities

For the K–6 students in Springfield, Ohio, the Wit & Wisdom® curriculum is not only opening doors and windows to...

Building A Reader's Oasis In A Book Desert

I've always been a bookworm. It's one reason I became an English teacher. Each year, one of my top goals is to share my...

Reading Instruction: What's Missing, How to Fill in the Gaps

Educators have cause for concern. Only about a third of Grade 4 students are proficient readers. A disproportionate...

Reading Instruction Today

Despite a lot of other national news dominating headlines, reading instruction in the early grades has been getting...

Setting Goals and Planning for Next Year’s Wit & Wisdom® Implementation


In last month’s issue, we discussed the cycle Wit & Wisdom educators can follow to strengthen their ...

Adopting a Knowledge-Building Curriculum During the Pandemic

Despite many obvious complications, starting to implement Wit & Wisdom® (the language arts curriculum from Great Minds®...

Principal Values Wit & Wisdom® as Part of Her School's Approach to Addressing Racism

Under the leadership of principal Julissa Lambert-Yank, Acorn Woodland Elementary School in Oakland, California is...

Reflecting on Wit & Wisdom® Implementation


“Few people can learn in a vacuum—all but the most solitary creatures among us crave reflection and...

Navigating Year One of Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

Be patient and trust the process. Give yourself and your students some grace, especially during the pandemic. And know...

Academics and Social and Emotional Learning? Absolutely.

For many years, I coached teachers on the art of incorporating social-emotional skills into classroom instruction. Many...

Amid Many Changes, Quality Curriculum and Instruction Remain Central

Superintendent Shawn Kimble and his leadership team were clear. Despite the many challenges caused by the pandemic, the...

Quality Curriculum Anchors District’s Response to the Pandemic

For Sumner County Schools north of Nashville in Gallatin, Tennessee, quality curriculum has been a great equalizer,...

Helping English Learners Find Their Voice

I studied French for eight years in school before I moved to Paris and found out I was still pretty bad at speaking...

Speaking and Listening in Wit & Wisdom®


Speaking and listening are at the core of learning. As babies, we learn by listening. As we begin to speak, we...

Wit & Wisdom® is “Transformational;” PhD Science® Boosts Science Learning

“Wit & Wisdom has been transformational, a real game-changer for us,” says Becky Michael, language arts content area...

Writing to Learn and Learning to Write

THIS MONTH’S FOCUS To be successful in school, at work, and as citizens, students must learn to write. Writing well is...

Making the Shift to a Content-Focused Curriculum

When it came time to select a new English language arts curriculum during the 2019–2020 school year, educators at...

Preparing for Statewide and Standardized Assessments with Wit & Wisdom®


Teachers of English language arts (ELA) know the complexity of their discipline. Reading...

Louisiana Leads with Content Leader Program

There’s no magic wand to conjure successful curriculum implementation. To be successful, teachers must intensely...

A Blueprint for Breaking Barriers

On October 26, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. posed a profound yet simple question to a group of junior high school...

Diversity in English Language Arts Curricula

Great Minds® asked Kyair Butts, the 2019 Teacher of the Year for Baltimore City Public Schools, why diversity in...

Mad River, Wit & Wisdom Featured in Young Children Journal

Students at Saville Elementary School in the Mad River Local School District near, Dayton, Ohio, jumped in their...

Reflecting and Refreshing for Social Emotional Learning


“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

The new year offers a...

“#WeLoveMsJan”: The Teacher With Her Own Hashtag

Jan Busey was nervous. After years in the classroom, the retired teacher was about to start recording literacy video...

Reading Complex Texts in Wit & Wisdom


All Wit & Wisdom® students engage in a transferable process—the Content Stages—to read grade-level...

Building Knowledge with Wit & Wisdom


By systematically building students’ knowledge within and across Kindergarten through Grade 8, Wit...

Teaching Wit & Wisdom at a Distance

this month's focus

Many of the key elements of Wit & Wisdom® translate well to distance learning, and through strategic...

Art Analysis as a Literacy Tool

As an artist and educator, I was thrilled to see The New York Times spotlight and guide readers through a close...

"Productive Struggle" Helping Students—and Staff

Educators in Rogers Public Schools in northwest Arkansas have seen first-hand how students benefit from productive...

Leading Public Charter Network Embraces Rigorous ELA and Math Curricula

IDEA Public Schools is one of the largest and most successful public charter networks in the country. Started in 2000...

Kyair Butts on Making Distance Learning Work

Great Minds® checked in with Baltimore City Public Schools Grade 6 teacher and 2019 Baltimore Teacher of the Year Kyair...

Wit & Wisdom Grades K–2 from Great Minds Earn Top EdReports Rating

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Monday, March 2, 2020—Grades K–2 of Wit & Wisdom®,...

Thoughtful Wit & Wisdom® Implementation Has Been Key to Buy-In and Success

Talk about commitment.  

The four Grade 3 teachers at Grass Valley Elementary School in Humboldt County, Nevada, meet at...

After Early Success in Grade 3, Other Teachers Wanted Wit & Wisdom® for Their Students Too

Shawn Kimble, superintendent of rural Lauderdale County Schools northwest of Memphis, was planning to roll out Wit &...

My Students and I Are Just Blown Away

Jen Arellano was drawn to education after volunteering to teach reading in her son’s first grade classroom. She already...

Seeing the Joy in Poetry

The first book of poetry I fell in love with was by the great modernist poet William Carlos Williams.

Minimally Adequate, Meet Maximally Amazing

 The Post and Courier of Charleston, South Carolina, just ran a series on disparate education quality and poor student...

Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom at Meeting Street Academy

Eureka Math and Wit & Wisdom Are a Winning Combination

Empowering Teachers and Students and Changing Lives Along the Way

Student Achievement Soars with “Unapologetically Rigorous” Curriculum

Student Achievement Soars with Great Minds®“Unapologetically Rigorous” Curriculum

Wit & Wisdom® Pilot School Sees Three...

Rural School Posts Major Gains in English Language Arts with Wit & Wisdom®

Angela Patzer remembers the day she realized that Linford Elementary School’s new English language arts curriculum, Wit...

Wit & Wisdom® and Eureka Math® Help California Charter School Network Continue Strong Gains in Math and ELA

The Scholarship Prep Public Schools network in southern California continues to make strong gains in student...

Early Adopter Continues to Make Progress with Wit & Wisdom®

Mad River Local Schools was one of the first districts to adopt Wit & Wisdom®, the English language arts curriculum...

Great Minds Seeks Wit & Wisdom® Professional Development Fellows

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019—Great Minds® is seeking...

The “Joy of Learning” Infuses Classrooms, Buoys Teachers

When instructional coach Amy Holbrook describes the impact of Wit & Wisdom® on the Mad River Local Schools outside...

Students Gain with Engaging Content

Center City Public Charter Schools (PCS) opened in 2008 as the first Catholic-to-charter school conversion in the...

Engaging, Relevant Lessons Lead to Achievement Gains

When did the leaders of Brooklyn Charter School know that Wit & Wisdom® was having an impact beyond the impressive...

In Baltimore, a School-Library Partnership is a Recipe for Success

What if a student could not only read Green Eggs and Ham but also explore cooking green eggs and ham?

ICYMI: NBC News Highlights Curricula as Pillar of Baltimore Blueprint for Success

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Friday, Sept. 27, 2019—An NBC News story highlig...

The CASEL Framework in Action: How Wit & Wisdom® Integrates Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

By Elizabeth Bailey, Hailey Basiouny, Nora Graham, Melissa Thompson, and Margaret W i lson

Supporting Equity Through a Knowledge-Building Approach to ELA

Great Minds® embraces the research that knowledge building should start at the outset of a student’s education. But...

Wit & Wisdom® Texts Now Available on

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby:

Monday, Aug. 5, 2019—Teachers now have the option...

Wit & Wisdom "Just Clicked"

In Ohio's Mad River Local Schools, the Wit & Wisdom® philosophy of "teach more meaningful English" is taking root...

What Inspires Students to Love Reading? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog series, we discussed the definition of volume of reading as well as why volume of reading is...

What Inspires Students to Love Reading? (Part 1)

What exactly is avolume of reading? If you put the day’s schedule on the board for students to read, is that a volume...

Old Painting, New Ideas

My daughter is bright, creative, and loves history. She’s intellectually curious.  

She’s also dyslexic. That meant for...


Mindy Dorfman is in her 25th year of teaching at Richard Wright Elementary in North Philadelphia. She has taught...

Your Guide to Surviving Your First Twitter Chat

Three Tips for Twitter Chat Success

Educational Twitter chats are a great opportunity to grow your professional network...

Building a Classroom Community of Readers

Do you remember that look of excitement and joy on your students’ faces when they discovered “that book” that was the...

How to Use Visual Art to Build Literacy

Before becoming an elementary school teacher, I was an art educator at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. My goal...

North Carolina elementary school’s new ELA program makes local WLOS news

In the fall of 2016, Grade 3 classrooms in the North Carolina school were introduced to a new, standards-aligned...

How Can You Engage All Learners and Boost Literacy?

When it comes to teaching English Language Arts, so much has changed over the years—the Common Core State Standards,...

Beaufort County Schools Spotlight on Local TV Station

“Stop watering it down and build a ladder up. … Keep your bar high, but let’s provide scaffolding to get students to...

Keeping Your New (School) Year’s Resolutions

Most people begin new year’s resolutions in January. But teachers know: summer’s end is when the new year really...

Artists Make Art

For this second interview in our Author/Illustrator blog series, we enjoyed an enlightening conversation with...

The Knowledge Story

Over the past several weeks, Great Minds® teacher–writer Emily Gula examined the five Content Stages by connecting...

Distilling the Essence

Great Minds® teacher-writer Emily Gula continues her conversations with students and teachers around the country to...

Read, Repeat, Reveal

In this third installment of a five-part blog series, Great Minds® teacher-writer Emily Gula connects with students...

Get Organized

In this second installment of a five-part blog series, Great Minds® teacher-writer Emily Gula connects with students...

Joseph Bruchac on the Importance and Impact of Identity

In this first of a series of interviews with Wit & Wisdom® teacher-writers and the authors whose work is featured in...

What a Wonderful World

In this five-part blog series, teacher-writer Emily Gula connects with students and teachers around the country to...

Striving For Greatness

LaKendra Butler is the founder and school leader of STRIVE Collegiate Academy, a diverse charter middle school for...

Finding The Joy In Rigor

This holiday season, my thoughts are in Paris.

Not Paris, France. Paris, Kentucky, where teachers are now hard at work...

Inside The Classroom: Engaging Students Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration

It was the fourth quarter at Friendship Blow-Pierce Middle School, and my classroom was full of 32 excited and...

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