Topics: Success Stories

Beaufort County Schools Spotlight on Local TV Station

Great Minds

by Great Minds

August 24, 2017
Beaufort County Schools Spotlight on Local TV Station

every child is capable of greatness.

Posted in: Aha! Blog > Wit & Wisdom Blog > Success Stories > Beaufort County Schools Spotlight on Local TV Station

“Stop watering it down and build a ladder up. … Keep your bar high, but let’s provide scaffolding to get students to that bar.” —Suzanne Brantley, Reading Instructional Specialist, Beaufort County Schools 

The beginning of this school year marks the launch of a new ELA curriculum for the students and teachers in Beaufort County, North Carolina, as the district adopts Wit & Wisdom for Grades K–8.

“When we looked at our curriculum,” said Andrea Lilley, executive director of instructional services for Beaufort County Schools, “we found that we had different programs and curriculums used at different schools. And so ... what we wanted to bring everybody together in the district.”

Watch Beaufort County’s plans for implementing Wit & Wisdom here on WNCT TV.



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