Posted in: Aha! Blog > Wit & Wisdom Blog > Wit & Wisdom > Implementing Wit & Wisdom: An Evaluation Research Report
The brief, research summary, and research report go on to explain that through a quasi-experimental method known as propensity score matching (Rosenbaum & Rubin 1983), even the short-term impacts of using Wit & Wisdom could be associated with increases in Text Reading and Comprehension scores in first through third grade and increases in students’ ELA state test scores in grades 4 and 5, on average.
The research makes clear that implementing a high-quality, knowledge-rich curriculum, Wit & Wisdom, with fidelity improves student achievement.
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Great Minds
Great Minds PBC is a public benefit corporation and a subsidiary of Great Minds, a nonprofit organization. A group of education leaders founded Great Minds® in 2007 to advocate for a more content-rich, comprehensive education for all children. In pursuit of that mission, Great Minds brings together teachers and scholars to create exemplary instructional materials that provide joyful rigor to learning, spark and reward curiosity, and impart knowledge with equal parts delight.
Topics: Wit & Wisdom