The Number Bond: A K-5 Model That Fosters Number Sense

AHA! MOMENT In math education, the term “number sense” is thrown around all the time, ad nauseam. We all want our students to have it, as it’s often...

Application of the Tape Diagram—A Tool For Problem Solving

STRATEGIES A load of bricks is twice as heavy as a load of sticks. The total weight of 4 loads of bricks and 4 loads of sticks is 771 kilograms. What...

The Number Line: A Powerful and Versatile Model


Solving Word Problems Using Tape Diagrams (Part 2)


Solving Word Problems Using Tape Diagrams (Part 1)

In my 10 years as a 7th and 8th-grade teacher, I never once saw a tape diagram. I was hesitant to use this model, but as I began to really study tape...

Problem Solving the RDW Way


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