Geodes-Focused Summer Program Supports EL Students in Gloucester Public Schools

Katina Tibbetts has been an educator for nearly 10 years, starting as an AmeriCorps teacher in Philadelphia. After completing her master's degree in...

Empowering Multilingual Learners in Wit & Wisdom

In this post, Rebecca Burgess, a Grade 3 teacher in Denver, Colorado, shares how she supports multilingual students in her classroom. Some of...

English Learner Success Forum highlights how Wit & Wisdom is supporting multilingual learners in Portland, Oregon

The English Learner Success Forum, a collaboration of educators and leaders focused on ensuring multilingual learners have access to high-quality...

Using Wit & Wisdom Multilingual Glossaries

The Multilingual Glossaries are available in 14 languages and accessible to all Wit & Wisdom® educators. In this month’s post, Implementation Leader...

What’s New in Wit & Wisdom?

At Great Minds®, we believe that every student deserves access to the highest quality education possible. That's why we are committed to building...

Choreographing Instructional Routines with Multilingual Learners in Mind

When I walk into a Wit & Wisdom® classroom, I enter an exciting place where I see Word Walls and anchor charts. I see module questions and artifacts,...

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