Introducing New Level 3 Geodes Books

As educators, there’s nothing quite like seeing your students lose themselves in a good book. Often, though, students are unable to access the wonder...

The Path to Reading Proficiency

Emily Gula has worked in a variety of critical roles here at Great Minds. She's been a lead writer for Wit & Wisdom® and Arts & Letters™ and a...

Leveled, Decodable, Readable: What Does Research Say About The Right Texts For Your Beginning Readers?

As the science of reading has dominated the national conversation around early literacy, educators everywhere have been hard at work bringing their...

Florida Charter School Celebrates Early Literacy Success with Geodes

Geodes® books have been in use at Odyssey Charter School (FL) in grades K–2 since the 2021–2022 school year. We sat down with four Odyssey educators...

Using Wit & Wisdom and Geodes to Strengthen Fluency in Grades K–2

Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best fluency practices for every grade. In this post, we explore fluency instruction for students in Grades K–2....

From Workshop to Wit & Wisdom

In this blog post, Portland Public Schools teacher Teri Joseph shares her journey from teaching reading and writing workshops to adopting Wit &...

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