Introducing New Level 3 Geodes Books

As educators, there’s nothing quite like seeing your students lose themselves in a good book. Often, though, students are unable to access the wonder...

What's New in PhD Science

At Great Minds®, we are committed to crafting high-quality instructional materials that help every child develop deep, enduring knowledge, essential...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Reaching Further with the Content Stages

This month’s blog builds on the Self-Study Series content from July and October. July’s post presented Read and Reflect activities that helped...

Using Wit & Wisdom and Geodes to Strengthen Fluency in Grades K–2

Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best fluency practices for every grade. In this post, we explore fluency instruction for students in Grades K–2....

From Read-Draw-Write (RDW) to Modeling–How Students Experience Problem Solving in Eureka Math²

Coherence is a key feature of the Eureka Math2® curriculum. The problem-solving process employed in Grade Levels K–9 is a major part of that...

Aha Moments in the Teaching with a Focus on Urgency Coaching Series

This fall, Great Minds® is expanding the Wit & Wisdom® Coaching Series with a new offering: Teaching with a Focus on Urgency. In this post,...

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