What's New in PhD Science

At Great Minds®, we are committed to crafting high-quality instructional materials that help every child develop deep,...

Socratic Seminars in Science

Look mom, no hands!” While we know that’s a bit cliché, there is such a thing as a “no hands” classroom discussion....

How to Review High-Quality Science Programs

We know that it can be challenging for educators to find adequate time to thoroughly assess new science programs or, in...

Integrating Science and Literacy: Insights from Educators and Strategies for Success

It’s not enough for scientists to understand science concepts. They must also be able to record their observations,...

Instructional Routines that Support Student Discourse

Each Great Minds® curriculum has instructional routines that nurture engagement, while making students’ thinking and...

How PhD Science Supports Equity in Your Science Classroom

Think for a moment about the diverse students who make up your class. You might have students who speak English as a...

Best Practices for Developing Community in a Student-Led Classroom

Consider the last time you were the “new kid” in a group setting. Perhaps you decided to try a new class at the gym, or...

5 PhD Science Blog Posts to Help Set You Up for Success Heading into the School Year

We want your transition back to the classroom this fall to be a breeze. That’s why we’ve put together a list of our top...

How to Leverage OER Science Most Efficiently

All students deserve access to coherent science instructional materials. At Great Minds®, we support this belief by...

Preparing for the Beginning of a New School Year

It’s that time again—time to start planning for the beginning of the school year. We all know that the start of a new...

Preparing for a Successful School Year and Preempting Burnout

We’ve all experienced it at one point or another—that feeling where you’ve reached your tipping point and you’re...

New Science Products and Services

Curious to see what’s new for PhD Science® for school year 2023–2024? New product offerings include additional...

Build Real-World Science Knowledge Through Real-World Connections

What are phenomena? Scientific phenomena are observable events that students can ask questions about and that can be...

How Phenomenon-Based, Hands-On Instruction Builds Enduring Knowledge

Students strive to make sense of the world around them by asking questions. Through science instruction, we can embrace...

Joining the Conversation on Universal Design for Learning

Curious to know what Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is and what it looks like in a science classroom? Join PhD...

A Bird’s Eye View: Knowledge Building Across Grade Levels

PhD Science® students build knowledge coherently across modules and grade levels, leading to deep conceptual...

An Inside Look at Cross-Content Connections in PhD Science 

How do butterflies survive over time in a changing environment? This is an essential question that PhD Science® Level 3...

Supporting the Next Generation of Scientists

Do you recall how you learned science? You may not recall much if anything from science in your elementary years....

Getting All Students to Do Science

When I was in the classroom, I simply loved teaching science. I loved the curiosity, hands-on investigations, and...

Five Core Shifts Urgently Needed in Elementary Science Education

Over a decade ago, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s (National Academies) report A...

Scientific Models in the K–5 Classroom: What’s the Buzz?

Developing and using models is one of the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs). Join PhD Science® Implementation...

Getting Started with a New Science Program

With new technology, new programs, new standards, or other new initiatives, the professional landscape for classroom...

Supporting Educators in Improving Practice Through Instructional Materials

Can curriculum and instructional materials be developed to not only support students in building knowledge and skills,...

How Do You Support Students Through Productive Struggle?

When your students struggle, your instinct may be to jump in and help them. You care about your students, and you don’t...

Supporting English Learners in Science Instruction

There are many times when students are hesitant to participate in class, especially English learners. Supporting...

PhD Science K–2 OER Receives Tier 1 Rating in Louisiana

With the latest instructional materials evaluation from the Louisiana Department of Education, the PhD Science® K–2...

How to Boost Scientific Discourse in Your Classroom in 4 Easy Steps

Have you been looking to boost scientific discourse in your classroom? We’ve got some tips to take your classroom...

How Hands-On Activities Spark Student Curiosity in Science

As an educator, you’re keenly aware of how curious and observant children are. They strive to understand and make sense...

The Makings of a High-Quality Science Curriculum

When it comes time to adopt a new program in your school or district, the process can feel quite overwhelming. You want...

Embracing Student-Led Instruction

When students feel like they have a voice in how their learning takes place, they often take additional initiative and...

Differentiation with Universal Design in Mind: Emphasis on All Learners

Equity should be prioritized as a central component in all educational improvement efforts. The 2018 Pew Center report...

Breaking Down the Next Generation Science Standards

NGSS, PE, DCI, CCC/CC, SEP. Do these abbreviations sound familiar but also look a bit like alphabet soup? There are...

How Do Authentic Assessments Help Teachers Identify Student Growth?

Assessing student progress is key for student development and teacher planning. PhD Science® uses three-dimensional,...

Materials Kits Support Our Hands-On Investigations

Our specially designed materials kits contain the supplies needed to implement the PhD Science® investigations and...

Science Family Night

The PhD Science® team has put together the below resources to provide a rich, productive, engaging family night in your...

How Families Can Engage Students in Science-Related Conversation

Family engagement has a direct positive impact on a student’s learning success. During every step of the learning...

How to Engage Students in Class Discussion

Today, science classes have activities that connect to and build on knowledge. Students often design their...

Beginning of the Year Routine Building

Fresh notebooks, new bookbags, and sharpened pencils can only mean one thing—it’s back to school season. As you make...

What are phenomena and why do they matter?

If you have been introduced to three-dimensional science teaching and learning, chances are you’ve heard at least one...

New Products and Services: What’s New with PhD Science?

The PhD Science® team has been busy responding to the needs of our implementers. This summer, we are working hard to...

How Making Cross-Content Connections Engages Students in Science Learning

Many educators find it difficult to fit science instruction into their daily schedules. Yet research shows that making...

End-of-the-Year Planning: Where to begin?

As we approach the end of the school year, we hope you have some well-deserved rest on the horizon. Before you close...

Engineering: What are the unforeseen benefits?

Many educators have heard before that students need to engage in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Science...

How do phenomena support knowledge building?

Where can we find shadows? Can we see during a blackout? Can we see objects inside a cave without a light source? What...

Science Curriculum Excites Students and Teachers

Teachers and students in Lincoln Parish Schools in northern Louisiana agree: PhD Science® is great. The district...

Accessible Terminology: How do you make science terms stick?

For students to advance in the sciences, they need access to scientific terminology that promotes conceptual...

Addressing Social-Emotional Learning in the Science Classroom

When I reflect on my science classes as a student, I think about reading a section of a textbook, answering a few...

How Can We Improve Science Learning Through Students’ Prior Knowledge?

For too long, K–12 science education has been less of an instructional priority than English language arts and math,...

Investigations: How do they help build knowledge?

Hands-on experiences are essential to science learning. Through hands-on activities and investigations, students...

Fostering Scientific Discourse with the Driving Question Board

PhD Science® uses recurring anchor visuals throughout each module to help develop coherence and to collect and display...

PhD Science Awarded STEAM Excellence Award

Great Minds® is pleased to announce that PhD Science® was selected as a winning product of the “Educators Pick Best of...

Using Anchor Charts and Models to Drive Student Learning

As both new and veteran implementers facilitate PhD Science® in their classrooms, the anchor visuals embedded in the...

Did I ever tell you about the time?: Using storylines in the science classroom

The best piece of classroom management advice I ever got before I started teaching came from my mathematics methods...

COVID-19 Modifications in a Student-Driven Classroom

PhD Science® is an immersive curriculum that allows students to “dig in” with hands-on experience as they conduct...

Want to Improve Science Education? Empower Students to Study Real-Life Phenomena

The recent news that U.S. students’ science scores have declined since 2015 should be a wakeup call for anyone...

A Texas-Sized Approach to Early Science Instruction

For school students, so much has changed since March 2020: from the way they get to school to how lunch is served to no...

Planning and Preparing for Lessons

As we dive into a new school year, now is a good time to focus on the two “Ps” that can help new implementers begin...

Preparing for the School Year with the Teacher Resource Pack

Just like each student has a backpack full of supplies to help them succeed, you as an educator have the same. As you...

Science Should Not Be an Elementary School Elective: White Paper

Science education is consistently squeezed out of elementary school schedules. The research, however, is clear:...

Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning

As you prepare for the upcoming school year, we've pulled together some tips that will help you brush up on your...

The CASEL Framework in Action: How PhD Science® Integrates Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

How does PhD Science® integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) with science instruction?

Students’ social and...

Key Shifts with an NGSS-based Curriculum

With all of the disruptions caused by the pandemic, we’re taking a moment to revisit some of the key instructional...

End of Year Engagement with PhD Science

Though one of the most exciting times of the school year, the last few weeks before summer break can also be a...

Integrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning in Science

Students’ social and emotional well-being is intimately connected to their academic success. When students feel a sense...

Nebraska District: PhD Science® Boosts Science Learning; Wit & Wisdom® is “Transformational”

“Wit & Wisdom has been transformational, a real game-changer for us,” says Becky Michael, language arts content area...

Pacing Solutions in Spring 2021

Have the unprecedented challenges of this past school year thrown off your instructional calendar? Implementers across...

“They Really Dug Deep”: With PhD Science, Students Learn to Think and Act Like Real Scientists

Grade 5 science teacher Tiffany Scott admires Ms. Frizzle, the teacher in The Magic School Bus TV and book series who...

Science Assessment in a Hybrid Setting

As we embark on the second half of this challenging school year, now is the time to review and reflect on our...

The Importance Of High-Quality Science Curricula For Early Elementary Grades

How do You Foster Curiosity in Young Learners About the World Around Them?

Ask any student who is just starting...

Instructional Routines for Online Learning

As PhD Science® educators, we know that instructional routines increase student engagement and help make student...

Improving Equity in Science Education

In this video, you’ll hear from three members of the PhD Science team—Brianna Reilly, curriculum development manager,...

Supporting Social-Emotional Learning in Science

School looks different for most students this year, and that change requires a new focus on their social emotional...

ICYMI: "New Science Curriculum Provides Hands-on Learning"

In the Star Herald of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, school principal and science content area specialist Jeremy Behnke...

Texas Chooses Great Minds for K-5 Science Home Learning Curriculum

ICYMI The Texas Education Agency announced Great Minds as the creator of PhD Science TEKS Edition for Texas home...

Science Discourse during Distance Learning

Looking for ways to keep the science discourse going during distance learning? We’re here to help. Watch as Meg...

Addressing Unfinished Learning in Fall 2020

In this video, Meg Goodner, national director of implementation services for PhD Science®, talks about how to adjust...

New K–2 PhD Science™ Curriculum to be Open Educational Resource

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby: Chad.Colby@greatminds.org

Wednesday, May 6, 2020—Great Minds® today...

New Science Standards Deserve High-Quality Curriculum

For years, US students trended downward in international rankings of science achievement. Our students deserved better.

PhD Science™ Earns Two More Tier 1 Ratings in Louisiana

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby: Chad.Colby@greatminds.org

Thursday, October 31, 2019PhD Science™ from Great...

Great Minds® PhD Science™ Investigation Kits Now Available

For Immediate Release

Contact: Chad Colby: chad.colby@greatminds.org

Friday, August 2, 2019—Great Minds® is now...

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