Posted in: Aha! Blog > PhD Science > Implementation Support Equity Getting Started - PhD Science > Improving Equity in Science Education
In this video, you’ll hear from three members of the PhD Science team—Brianna Reilly, curriculum development manager, Isaac Stauffer, professional development manager, and Meg Goodner, the national director of implementation services—as they discuss strategies for improving equity in science education. This month’s video includes information about external resources teachers can use to better understand equity issues and ways that PhD Science incorporates tools, routines, and strategies to support special populations, both in class and in a remote setting.
Meg Goodner
Meg Goodner is the national director of implementation services for PhD Science. Upon joining Great Minds in 2017, Meg supported many aspects of curricular development, including assets and permissions, materials and investigations, and the PhD Science California Edition. In Spring 2018, Meg’s customer service background provided her the opportunity to support 36 teachers in 10 districts in seven states as the pilot program manager in PhD Science’s first in-classroom pilot. These pilot teachers were instrumental in providing feedback to inform future module development. In school year 2018–2019, Meg continued pilot management by providing implementation support to 900 teachers in 58 districts across the United States. She continues to support the implementation of PhD Science district partners and is eager to continue building a community of implementers who are dedicated to providing high-quality science education to students.
Topics: Implementation Support Equity Getting Started - PhD Science