Posted in: Aha! Blog > PhD Science > Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science > Engineering: What are the unforeseen benefits?
Many educators have heard before that students need to engage in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Science and Engineering Practices to understand key science concepts. But science and engineering, although related, are two distinct fields. So what sets science and engineering apart? And how do engineering practices benefit students, especially young learners?
In this video, PhD Science® Implementation Support Specialist Jen VanDragt invites you to put on your hard hat and join the discussion about the differences between science and engineering, what an engineering activity should include, and the ways in which engineering can build a strong classroom community.

Jen VanDragt
Jen VanDragt is an implementation support associate with the PhD Science team. Prior to joining Great Minds, Jen was a wilderness educator turned K–8 teacher. She taught all content areas in combination grade-level classrooms. Jen grew passionate about implementing three-dimensional learning in her classroom and district, which led her to PhD Science. Jen is dedicated to supporting teachers as they bring phenomenon-based learning to their students. She lives in June Lake, California.
Topics: Featured Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science