Posted in: Aha! Blog > PhD Science > Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science > End-of-the-Year Planning: Where to begin?
As we approach the end of the school year, we hope you have some well-deserved rest on the horizon. Before you close the year—and your PhD Science® Teacher Edition—take the opportunity to jump-start your preparations for back-to-school season. With implementation fresh in your mind, the end of the year is an ideal time to jot down ideas that you can use to reflect and plan for the next school year.
In this video, PhD Science Implementation Support Associate Molly Fife shares practical guidance on how you can evaluate your students’ overall performance, set personal goals for next year’s implementation, and organize and store your PhD Science materials.

Molly Fife
Molly Fife is an implementation support associate for PhD Science. Before joining Great Minds, Molly taught elementary school for seven years in Washington, DC, Louisiana, and North Carolina. Throughout her teaching career, Molly found that it was during science instruction when her students’ natural curiosity and engagement really shone but that resources and support for science educators were often limited or nonexistent. Her passion to see that all students should receive a high-quality education, including in science, ultimately led her to join the PhD Science team, where she gained a deep understanding of the curriculum’s learning design while helping to develop the Great Minds in Sync continuous learning program in the early days of the pandemic. Molly looks forward to working with teachers through coaching and professional development sessions this summer and into the 2021–2022 school year. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia.
Topics: Featured Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science