Posted in: Aha! Blog > PhD Science > Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science > Investigations: How do they help build knowledge?
Hands-on experiences are essential to science learning. Through hands-on activities and investigations, students explore science up close and personal. PhD Science® intentionally uses investigations at every grade level to help students build scientific knowledge and explain the module’s anchor phenomenon.
In this video, PhD Science Implementation Support Associate Robby Hunter discusses the role that investigations play in a successful student-driven classroom.

Robby Hunter
Robby Hunter joined Great Minds as a PhD Science implementation support associate after spending 10 years teaching all subject areas in kindergarten inclusion as well as ESE (exceptional student education) in kindergarten through grade 6 in Florida and South Carolina. What he loves most about PhD Science is the student-led, hands-on approach the curriculum offers in every module. Currently, Robby works on the Implementation Support team facilitating professional learning to help teachers develop a deep understanding of this top-quality curriculum. He lives in Panama City Beach, Florida.
Topics: Featured Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science