Posted in: Aha! Blog > PhD Science > Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science > Fostering Scientific Discourse with the Driving Question Board
PhD Science® uses recurring anchor visuals throughout each module to help develop coherence and to collect and display evidence of students’ new knowledge. The driving question board is one of these visuals that makes students’ questions and thinking visible and motivates them to consider different aspects of the anchor phenomenon throughout a module.
In this video, Implementation Support Associate Jen VanDragt explores the driving question board as a tool to organize student questions, increase student engagement, highlight connections between concepts, and call attention to the enduring knowledge pursued by students.

Jen VanDragt
Jen VanDragt is an implementation support associate with the PhD Science team. Prior to joining Great Minds, Jen was a wilderness educator turned K–8 teacher. She taught all content areas in combination grade-level classrooms. Jen grew passionate about implementing three-dimensional learning in her classroom and district, which led her to PhD Science. Jen is dedicated to supporting teachers as they bring phenomenon-based learning to their students. She lives in June Lake, California.
Topics: Featured Implementation Support Getting Started - PhD Science