How to Engage Students in Class Discussion

Today, science classes have activities that connect to and build on knowledge. Students often design their investigations rather than follow...

Beginning of the Year Routine Building

Fresh notebooks, new bookbags, and sharpened pencils can only mean one thing—it’s back to school season. As you make the transition back into the...

What are phenomena and why do they matter?

If you have been introduced to three-dimensional science teaching and learning, chances are you’ve heard at least one of these: “phenomenon,” “anchor...

New Products and Services: What’s New with PhD Science?

The PhD Science® team has been busy responding to the needs of our implementers. This summer, we are working hard to bring you new and updated...

How Making Cross-Content Connections Engages Students in Science Learning

Many educators find it difficult to fit science instruction into their daily schedules. Yet research shows that making time for science, especially...

End-of-the-Year Planning: Where to begin?

As we approach the end of the school year, we hope you have some well-deserved rest on the horizon. Before you close the year—and your PhD Science®...

Engineering: What are the unforeseen benefits?

Many educators have heard before that students need to engage in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Science and Engineering Practices to...

How do phenomena support knowledge building?

Where can we find shadows? Can we see during a blackout? Can we see objects inside a cave without a light source? What do these questions have in...

Science Curriculum Excites Students and Teachers

Teachers and students in Lincoln Parish Schools in northern Louisiana agree: PhD Science® is great. The district started using the elementary school...

Accessible Terminology: How do you make science terms stick?

For students to advance in the sciences, they need access to scientific terminology that promotes conceptual understanding. Rather than simply...

Addressing Social-Emotional Learning in the Science Classroom

When I reflect on my science classes as a student, I think about reading a section of a textbook, answering a few questions, and moving on to the...

How Can We Improve Science Learning Through Students’ Prior Knowledge?

For too long, K–12 science education has been less of an instructional priority than English language arts and math, especially in the early grades....

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