ICYMI: "New Science Curriculum Provides Hands-on Learning"

In the Star Herald of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, school principal and science content area specialist Jeremy Behnke highlights the experiential nature of...

Texas Chooses Great Minds for K-5 Science Home Learning Curriculum

ICYMI The Texas Education Agency announced Great Minds as the creator of PhD Science TEKS Edition for Texas home learning for Grades K–5. This...

Science Discourse during Distance Learning

Looking for ways to keep the science discourse going during distance learning? We’re here to help. Watch as Meg Goodner, national director of...

Addressing Unfinished Learning in Fall 2020

In this video, Meg Goodner, national director of implementation services for PhD Science®, talks about how to adjust for the unfinished learning from...

New K–2 PhD Science™ Curriculum to be Open Educational Resource

For Immediate Release Contact: Chad Colby: Chad.Colby@greatminds.org Wednesday, May 6, 2020—Great Minds® today announced that the newly developed...

New Science Standards Deserve High-Quality Curriculum

For years, US students trended downward in international rankings of science achievement. Our students deserved better.

PhD Science™ Earns Two More Tier 1 Ratings in Louisiana

For Immediate Release Contact: Chad Colby: Chad.Colby@greatminds.org Thursday, October 31, 2019—PhD Science™ from Great Minds® has earned two more...

Great Minds® PhD Science™ Investigation Kits Now Available

For Immediate Release Contact: Chad Colby: chad.colby@greatminds.org Friday, August 2, 2019—Great Minds® is now shipping custom Investigation Kits to...

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