Investigations: How do they help build knowledge?

Hands-on experiences are essential to science learning. Through hands-on activities and investigations, students explore science up close and...

Fostering Scientific Discourse with the Driving Question Board

PhD Science® uses recurring anchor visuals throughout each module to help develop coherence and to collect and display evidence of students’ new...

PhD Science Awarded STEAM Excellence Award

Great Minds® is pleased to announce that PhD Science® was selected as a winning product of the “Educators Pick Best of STEMTM 2021” STEAM Excellence...

Using Anchor Charts and Models to Drive Student Learning

As both new and veteran implementers facilitate PhD Science® in their classrooms, the anchor visuals embedded in the curriculum play a pivotal role...

Did I ever tell you about the time?: Using storylines in the science classroom

The best piece of classroom management advice I ever got before I started teaching came from my mathematics methods professor, Jane Moore, at...

COVID-19 Modifications in a Student-Driven Classroom

PhD Science® is an immersive curriculum that allows students to “dig in” with hands-on experience as they conduct scientific investigations and build...

Want to Improve Science Education? Empower Students to Study Real-Life Phenomena

The recent news that U.S. students’ science scores have declined since 2015 should be a wakeup call for anyone concerned about the quality of...

A Texas-Sized Approach to Early Science Instruction

For school students, so much has changed since March 2020: from the way they get to school to how lunch is served to no field trips. In the...

Planning and Preparing for Lessons

As we dive into a new school year, now is a good time to focus on the two “Ps” that can help new implementers begin their journey with PhD Science®...

Preparing for the School Year with the Teacher Resource Pack

Just like each student has a backpack full of supplies to help them succeed, you as an educator have the same. As you prepare for your new students...

Science Should Not Be an Elementary School Elective: White Paper

Science education is consistently squeezed out of elementary school schedules. The research, however, is clear: Students need science education...

Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning

As you prepare for the upcoming school year, we've pulled together some tips that will help you brush up on your teaching skills and explore news...

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