Brooklyn School Finds Success with Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

Rick Romain has been an educator at P.S. 268 (Brooklyn, NY) for eight years, first as assistant principal and now as principal for the last four...

Empowering Multilingual Learners in Wit & Wisdom

In this post, Rebecca Burgess, a Grade 3 teacher in Denver, Colorado, shares how she supports multilingual students in her classroom. Some of...

Content Stages Self-Study Series: Refining Implementation of the Content Stages

This month’s blog continues the Self-Study Series introduced this summer. In July, we shared Read and Reflect activities designed to support readers’...

Anticipating Productive Struggle in the Focusing Question Arc

The Focusing Question Arc Study Protocol is one tool Wit & Wisdom® teachers use to prepare effective instruction. In this month’s post,...

From Workshop to Wit & Wisdom

In this blog post, Portland Public Schools teacher Teri Joseph shares her journey from teaching reading and writing workshops to adopting Wit &...

JHU Analysis finds Wit & Wisdom and Geodes Help Build Knowledge

The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Institute for Education Policy developed a Knowledge Map™ for English language arts and analyzed Wit & Wisdom® and...

English Learner Success Forum highlights how Wit & Wisdom is supporting multilingual learners in Portland, Oregon

The English Learner Success Forum, a collaboration of educators and leaders focused on ensuring multilingual learners have access to high-quality...

Want to Give Summer Reading a Boost? Pair It with Art

I'm a teacher in New York City, and I'm excited about city leaders’ new focus on ensuring all students get great reading instruction. Among the...

Introducing the Self-Study Series: Exploring the Wit & Wisdom Reading Framework

In this month’s blog, we launch our first Self-Study Series. This series supports educators as they deepen their understanding of important Wit &...

Prioritizing Fluency Practice in the Middle Grades

This month, we focus on fluency. Wit & Wisdom® lessons incorporate best practices for fluency instruction at every grade. As educators prepare for...

Wit & Wisdom Rises to the Top in Thoughtfully Crafted Curriculum Pilot

The time had come in Westside Community Schools (NE) to search for a new K–8 English language arts curriculum. With new state ELA standards in place,...

Building a Library to Support a Purposeful, Joyful Volume of Reading

This month, we turn our attention to the Volume of Reading libraries in Wit & Wisdom®. The Volume of Reading text lists were developed to extend...

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