Complex Texts for Academic and Social-Emotional Learning

This month, we asked teachers across the country to reflect on how they engage their students in Wit &Wisdom’s® complex texts. Marisa Mondschein, a...

Solidifying Academic Vocabulary Through Complex Texts and Hands-On Experiences

This month, we asked teachers across the country to reflect on how they engage their students in Wit & Wisdom’s® complex texts. Jami Witherell, a...

Using Complex Texts to Address Unfinished Instruction

At Great Minds®, we believe all students deserve opportunities to read complex texts, complete grade-level tasks, and engage in meaningful discussion...

Understanding Wit & Wisdom

Guidance Deep understanding of each module and the Wit & Wisdom approach will empower you to fully leverage the curriculum to foster students’...

Wit & Wisdom® Opening Minds through Hands-On Learning Opportunities

For the K–6 students in Springfield, Ohio, the Wit & Wisdom® curriculum is not only opening doors and windows to knowledge, it is also creating...

Building A Reader's Oasis In A Book Desert

I've always been a bookworm. It's one reason I became an English teacher. Each year, one of my top goals is to share my love of books with my middle...

Reading Instruction: What's Missing, How to Fill in the Gaps

Educators have cause for concern. Only about a third of Grade 4 students are proficient readers. A disproportionate number of low-income students...

Reading Instruction Today

Despite a lot of other national news dominating headlines, reading instruction in the early grades has been getting plenty of attention from major...

Setting Goals and Planning for Next Year’s Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

THIS MONTH’S FOCUS In last month’s issue, we discussed the cycle Wit & Wisdom educators can follow to strengthen their Wit & Wisdom implementation:...

Adopting a Knowledge-Building Curriculum During the Pandemic

Despite many obvious complications, starting to implement Wit & Wisdom® (the language arts curriculum from Great Minds®) during a pandemic delivered...

Principal Values Wit & Wisdom® as Part of Her School's Approach to Addressing Racism

Under the leadership of principal Julissa Lambert-Yank, Acorn Woodland Elementary School in Oakland, California is using the Wit & Wisdom® English...

Reflecting on Wit & Wisdom® Implementation

THIS MONTH’S FOCUS “Few people can learn in a vacuum—all but the most solitary creatures among us crave reflection and feedback on our work. …...

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