Curriculum, Training, and Persistence Lead to Big Math Gains in Arkansas District

The Paragould School District in Northeast Arkansas made the jump to Eureka Math® in 2014, seeking a curriculum aligned with college- and...

Washington, DC Schools Make Record Gains Across Grades with Eureka Math®

After some Washington, DC schools began using Eureka Math® as early as 2013-2014, District of Columbia Public Schools adopted the curriculum for all...

Path to Student Mastery Begins with Teacher Mindset Shift

The Rio Rancho School District has experienced a lot of changes since it started using Eureka Math™️ in fall 2014, but the biggest one was a shift in...

Whittier City School District (CA) Singled Out for Math Excellence

One of only two California school districts with consistent math test gains in 2017 When educational leaders in the Whittier City School District...

Shifting to the Right Tool Yields Right Results at Florida Elementary school

Grade-level gains from 10 to 38 percentage points on the Florida State Assessment in just one year

Schoolcraft Elementary Makes Math Fun While Improving Test Scores by 15 Percent

“Wear” the Eureka Math® curriculum for a while. Customize the lessons for your students. And have fun.

Students Can “Build Knowledge Like Never Before”

David Pittman, instructional coach at Willow Creek Elementary School in Illinois, first discovered Eureka Math® in 2015 as EngageNY Math. Based on...

Vermilion Parish (LA) Continues to Make Strong Progress

Vermilion Parish Schools (LA) first adopted Eureka Math® in the 2013–2014 school year and the district continues to make impressive progress. The...

Pasco County (FL) Preparing for K–5 Implementation in the Fall

After a successful pilot of Eureka Math®, Pasco County (FL), will shift to district-wide implementation of the curriculum in Grades K–5 for the...

Iberia Parish (LA): Three years of impressive gains

Iberia Parish Public Schools (LA), now in their fourth year of using Eureka Math®, continue to make impressive gains in student achievement in all...

Tillamook, Oregon: “It’s hard, but it’s the right way to go.”

Tillamook School District (Oregon) has had great success with Eureka Math™. Second-grade teachers began implementing the curriculum in 2014, and...

Caldwell Parish (LA): Rural district is one of state’s fastest-improving

Caldwell Parish Schools (LA) started implementing Eureka Math® district-wide in 2014–2015, and it is among the state’s fastest-improving districts....

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