What's Next: Eureka Math²

From my days as a teacher in New York State, I remember the excitement that came with the launch of EngageNY Math/Eureka Math® curriculum. It was...

Believe in Your Students (and Believe in Yourself Too)

I’ll never forget the first time I used the area model to solve complex multiplication problems with my Grade 5 students. It looked so different from...

Module Planning to Keep Students on Track

When my school started using Eureka Math®, teachers prepared to teach lessons one or a few at a time, usually just before students engaged with those...

Why Parents Will Want Eureka Math

5 RESOURCES TO HELP EDUCATORS GIVE PARENTS EUREKA MOMENTS We recognize the importance of supporting parents during Eureka Math implementation. After...

Top Back-to-school Blogs

The beginning of any school year can be nerve-wracking, especially with a new math curriculum. The following 5 blogs written by Eureka Math...

Relax, Unwind, And Reflect: A Summer Guide For Teachers New To Eureka Math

STRATEGIES Summer is a blissful time when teachers recover from the hectic pace of the school year. It is a time that we reflect on our practice and...

It's in the Cards: Having Fun While Addressing Summer Learning Loss

As summer vacation begins, families typically welcome the break from schoolwork. But the end of the school year shouldn’t mean the end of learning....

Eureka Math is Your First Stop for RTI

Response to Intervention (RTI) is an approach to academic intervention that helps educators identify and support the learning needs of individual...

Advancing Student Learning with Questions

As teachers, we ask a lot of questions. It’s part of the job. It’s how we learn about our students. Questions serve a variety of purposes during...

Eureka Math’s Tricia Miller Helps Louisiana School Children Affected by Storms, Pandemic

The Lake Charles American Press recently highlighted the hard work of Tricia Miller, a Eureka Math® professional development specialist and...

Giving Teachers the PD They Need and Want

A few weeks ago, my oldest son got on the bus for his first day of 1st grade, which means he’s trading in his beach towel, bicycle, and...

Webinar Study: Eureka Math RTI Webinar Series

Response to intervention (RTI) is an approach educators use to identify and support students’ individual learning needs. It begins in the classroom...

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