
Jessica Bulgarelli

Jessica Bulgarelli is an implementation leader for Eureka Math at Great Minds®. Previously, she was a middle school math teacher and instructional leader in Baltimore City, Maryland.

Jessica Bulgarelli

Keeping the Pace, One Lesson at a Time

How do you cover an entire range of grade-level content when you have limited time? Eureka Math2® provides a great foundation for doing this with its...

Make Student Learning Visible with High-Quality Assessments

Assessments are essential for making student learning visible. One of the reasons I love Eureka Math2™ is that it includes coherent, aligned...

Making the Most of Eureka Math Affirm

Our goal as math teachers is to support all students on their path to success. Assessments should provide information that guides how we build this...

Exit Tickets: Plan, Analyze, and Adjust

Exit Tickets are quick formative assessments that can help you make instructional decisions effectively. But with so many other lesson components,...

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