
Partners Program

Professional Learning Network






Our Vision

This professional learning network brings together district leaders to strengthen strategic implementation of Wit & Wisdom and Geodes®. Participants collaborate to enhance literacy leadership and realize the potential of every child and educator in their district.

Our Goals

  • Share experiences, problem solve, and define a path to literacy excellence alongside other leaders.
  • Apply research-based knowledge, mindsets, and skills that underpin effective and responsive literacy leadership and instruction.

Our Participants

We invite leaders who have the following characteristics:

  • Knowledge of Wit & Wisdom and Geodes instructional design
  • A belief that every child is capable of greatness
  • Experience leading literacy initiatives, including the implementation of a systematic phonics program
  • The ability to influence literacy instruction decisions at the district level and to collaborate with at least one other colleague to drive system-level change
  • Passion for instructional leadership, peer-to-peer community building, humble inquiry, and continually improving one’s own practice
  • A willingness to be vulnerable and engage in ongoing conversations with fellow cohort members about challenges as well as successes
  • Eagerness to share regular and thoughtful feedback about the content and process of the professional learning network experience


Fill out the Wit & Wisdom Partners Program participant registration form to get started. 



Testimonials from District Leaders

It was so energizing to be around district leaders who are implementing Wit & Wisdom. Our challenges are generally the same, and I got some very good ideas at how to start to chip away at the "how we've always done things" mentality.

I always gain a tremendous amount of insight. It truly takes a village to educate ourselves as well as our students and staff. I appreciate being a part of this group.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are my commitments?

    Participants will meet every other week. There will be a total of ten 60-minute sessions, facilitated from Fall 2023–Spring 2024. For each session, participants complete optional pre-work, an end-of-session survey, and try out a leadership practice before the next meeting.

    Do I have to attend all sessions? What if I miss one? Can I send a representative in my place?

    Each session builds on the previous session, so attendance at all sessions is important. Also, this small learning community is designed for the same participants each time, so we do not advise substitute representatives. Instead, we recommend that each district send two participants, so that if one participant can’t attend, the second can share information from the missed session.

    What kinds of resources will I receive?

    Participants will leave with research-based leadership resources and ideas.

    Is this group serving as an advisory council?

    No. The Eureka Math® Advisory Council is a different opportunity. This professional learning network is an opportunity for educators to collaboratively engage in leadership research and apply adaptive leadership practices. Any conversations participants wish to have about Great Minds products will be conducted separately.