
PhD Science

PhD Science® is a hands-on K–5 science program that sparks curiosity as students build enduring knowledge of how the scientific world works. PhD Science students think and act like real scientists as they ask questions, gather evidence, develop models, and construct explanations while investigating authentic phenomena. Learn more at

PhD Science

How to Review High-Quality Science Programs

We know that it can be challenging for educators to find adequate time to thoroughly assess new science programs or, in some cases, to even know how...

Integrating Science and Literacy: Insights from Educators and Strategies for Success

It’s not enough for scientists to understand science concepts. They must also be able to record their observations, communicate their ideas, debate...

Build Real-World Science Knowledge Through Real-World Connections

What are phenomena? Scientific phenomena are observable events that students can ask questions about and that can be explained or predicted through...

How Do You Support Students Through Productive Struggle?

When your students struggle, your instinct may be to jump in and help them. You care about your students, and you don’t want to see them fail....

How Hands-On Activities Spark Student Curiosity in Science

As an educator, you’re keenly aware of how curious and observant children are. They strive to understand and make sense of the world around them. How...

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