
Great Minds

Great Minds PBC is a public benefit corporation and a subsidiary of Great Minds, a nonprofit organization. A group of education leaders founded Great Minds® in 2007 to advocate for a more content-rich, comprehensive education for all children. In pursuit of that mission, Great Minds brings together teachers and scholars to create exemplary instructional materials that provide joyful rigor to learning, spark and reward curiosity, and impart knowledge with equal parts delight.

Great Minds

Eureka Math² Brings Positive Change to Southern California District

Change is under way in the Beaumont Unified School District, and Dana Gonzalez is excited about what she's seeing.

Ed Post: Helpful Steps To Reverse Math Declines For Students With Disabilities

In this article for Ed Post, Mary Christensen-Cooper and Maureen McNamara Jones reflect on their experiences in the math classrooms as educators,...

High-Leverage Teaching Practices that Positively Impact Student Learning

Whether you’rea veteran math educator looking to refresh your skills or a new classroom teacher, we’ve assembled a collection of teaching practices...

From Read-Draw-Write (RDW) to Modeling–How Students Experience Problem Solving in Eureka Math²

Coherence is a key feature of the Eureka Math2® curriculum. The problem-solving process employed in Grade Levels K–9 is a major part of that...

Detroit News: Michigan Teacher of the Year and Great Minds PD Associate Candice Jackson Pens Op-Ed To Promote Parent Engagement

Michigan's 2023–2024 Teacher of the Year Candice Jackson wrote this compelling op-ed in the Detroit News about the need to better engage families to...

Eureka Math Research Brief

Johns Hopkins University studied the impact of Eureka Math on grades 4 and 5 test scores within a school district that implemented the curriculum...

The CASEL Framework in Action: How Eureka Math Squared Integrates Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning

How does Eureka Math2® integrate social-emotional learning with mathematics instruction? Introduction

Eureka Math²® Earns Top Ratings from EdReports

We know that success in algebra begins by building a conceptual understanding of math in the early grades. That is why in 2013 we created Eureka...

Math Lessons Support Student Discourse

Anyone who reads or experiences Eureka Math2 can see the importance we place on math discourse. Our lessons revolve around rich classroom discussions...

Eureka Math² Family Math Night

When we partner with our students’ families and make connections with the community, we show students what collaboration looks like, and we setthe...

How To Support Math Students With The Universal Design For Learning Principles

How do UDL Principles Apply to the Design of the Cockpit of a Fighter Jet and a Math Lesson? First, let’s provide a bit of context. In this popular...

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