Eureka Math2 In the Classroom Videos
Eureka Math2 develops procedural fluency and engages in discourse-rich math activities to build enduring knowledge of math that they encounter in the real world.

Peek inside a Eureka Math2® classroom as Level 2 students engage with print and digital resources and manipulatives to learn about repeated addition and equal groups. See how this educative and student-centered curriculum fosters student success.
Conceptual Understanding Through Discourse
Engaging and Interactive Materials
Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Learning
Student-Centered Discourse and Learning
Lesson Structure Sparks Curiosity
Precise Math Vocabulary Frames Learning
Math Manipulatives Drive Deeper Learning
Conceptual Understanding Through Discourse
How can peer-to-peer discussions lead to enduring knowledge? Watch how students build knowledge and conceptual understanding through rich student discourse.
Engaging and Interactive Materials
How can a curriculum create an engaging learning environment? Explore how teachers use our program’s interactive materials to create a student-centered classroom.
Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Learning
How can teachers introduce new math concepts? Watch how the Eureka Math2’s instructional model uses an intentional progression of concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations.
Student-Centered Discourse and Learning
How does student-centered discourse impact math learning? Listen in and watch how our lessons invite all learners to express and understand complex mathematical concepts while practicing invaluable speaking and listening skills.
The Importance of Readability
How can you ensure words never get in the way of students learning important math skills? Watch how teachers use straightforward and concise language to access the math.
Lesson Structure Sparks Curiosity
How can a lesson’s structure impact student learning? Learn more about how our consistent Launch-Learn-Land lesson design supports students in a systematic way of learning.
Precise Math Vocabulary Frames Learning
Why is incorporating math terminology into your classroom experience important? Explore how academic vocabulary sets the stage for learning those concepts within the context of a lesson.
Math Manipulatives Drive Deeper Learning
How do hands-on and exploratory activities aid students in building mathematical knowledge? Discover how teachers use math manipulatives to create learning experiences that drive deeper learning.
Daily Formative Assessments Provide Data
How does Eureka Math2 ensure you have the tools to monitor student learning? See how daily exit tickets can provide assessment data to adjust instruction.
Accessible and Differentiated Practice
How can teachers make learning new concepts accessible to all students? Listen in and explore how engaging video resources and other visuals help students build background knowledge to learn math.
To watch a full-length lesson from one of the Level 2 classrooms, contact us.
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