Personalized Coaching
From the creators of Eureka Math2
Eureka Math2 coaches engage in guided observations with school leaders to identify instructional priorities to support exemplar implementation. Coaches create a personalized sequence of coaching experiences in support of the instructional priority. Experiences can include 1:1 coaching or PLCs supporting content study, lesson preparation, student work analysis – and more. All coaching sequences are designed to improve teacher instructional practices and student outcomes.

Begin with the Foundational Track of Eureka Math2 Professional Development
These sessions provide teachers and leaders with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to implement Eureka Math2.

Engage Leaders and Teachers in Personalized Coaching Sequences
Each personalized coaching sequence includes 5 or more coaching sessions that can be facilitated as 1:1 coaching or in a PLC format. After completing Guided Observation for Leaders, school leaders will collaborate with their Eureka Math2 coach to select the experiences that will best support teacher growth in their instructional priority. The sequence concludes with another round of Guided Observation for Leaders to measure teacher progress and codify the leadership practices that best supported the progress.

Level up for Leaders is a personalized coaching sequence for leaders that includes:
Strategic Planning: Align and Allocate (4 hours)
Crafting Effective Feedback & Effective Feedback Conversations (2 hours)
Strategic Planning: Measure Progress (2 hours)
These sessions provide leaders opportunities to evolve their instructional leadership skills to better support teacher development and classroom implementation of Eureka Math2.