Eureka Math Squared_TM_Logo-Vector_Primary_RGB_Eureka Math2

Supporting Students, Teachers, and Mathematics Through Lesson Design in Levels 3–5

Supporting Students, Teachers, and Mathematics Through Lesson Design in Levels 3–5

Rise To New Heights With Eureka Math2

Explore Eureka Math2 in greater detail with our mathematicians and teacher-writers as they walk through the program by specific grade bands. We hope you appreciate the intention and craft of Eureka Math2 so you can see how it will exceed your highest expectations for math teaching and learning. If you’ve been a part of our Eureka Math® community, we hope you hear your voice in Eureka Math2—and that you see your suggestions coming to life in every margin note, feature, and design choice.


What You'll Explore in This Session:

Explore the tools and resources that make Eureka Math2 unique through three lessons that use multiplication models and methods based on the distributive property.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to our most-received queries.



If you have any questions or would like to learn more, contact us.


Kelly Alsup
Kelly Alsup

Senior Curriculum Developer, Mathematics
Great Minds

Deborah Schluben
Deborah Schluben

Senior Curriculum Developer, Mathematics
Great Minds

Geoff Patterson
Geoff Patterson

Mathematician Manager
Great Minds

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