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How Engaging with Content Improves Reading Comprehension

Research Spotlight: How Engaging with Content Improves Reading Comprehension

Free Virtual Webinar 

How does sustained, content-rich instruction affect student achievement? Does the literacy intervention Model of Reading Engagement (MORE) offer any insights into how schools could or should approach academic recovery support for students? How do content-rich, thematically oriented interventions in literacy help improve math scores?

Join our upcoming webinar that will focus on the recent research,A Longitudinal Randomized Trial of a Sustained Content Literacy Intervention From First to Second Grade: Transfer Effects on Students’ Reading Comprehension.

In this webinar, participants will

  • delve into the research by James S. Kim, Mary A. Burkhauser, Jackie Eunjung Relyea, Joshua B. Gilbert, Ethan Scherer, Jill Fitzgerald, Douglas Mosher, and Joseph McIntyre;
  • learn about the literacy intervention called the Model of Reading Engagement (MORE);
  • understand the findings and practical implications for the classroom; and
  • consider what research questions the field should pursue next in light of the findings from the research.

Additional Resources:

James S. Kim, Professor of Education, Harvard, Graduate School of Education
Rachel Stack, Chief Academic Officer, Great Minds


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