Materials Kits

PhD Science® allows students to learn to think like real scientists by conducting hands-on investigations. With at least one Science or Engineering Challenge in each module, students are provided multiple opportunities to collaborate with peers, practice problem solving, and continue building and connecting knowledge of the world around them.
PhD Science Hands-On Materials Kits are available by module or level at Levels K–5, and are designed for 24–32 students. K–2 kits contain special Great Minds® tools, such as Knowledge Deck™ cards combining carefully crafted text with engaging images. Hands-On Materials Kits are available in English and Spanish.
Additional items may be required that are commonly found in most classrooms or can be purchased at local discount stores and supermarkets.
* Please note: Some items included in the kits may vary from those shown in promotions or packaging due to availability.
Hands-On Materials Kits
Level K
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Weather -
Module 2:
Pushes and Pulls -
Module 3:
Life -
Module 4:
Module Titles
The Level K Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Weather
• Module 2: Pushes and Pulls
• Module 3: Life
• Module 4: Environments
Module 1
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Bags, plastic, resealable, 1 gal | 18
- Binder rings, 1.5” | 25
- Box, cardboard
- 12” x 12” x 12” | 1
- 4" x 4" x 4" | 1
- Calendar pocket chart | 1
- Cardboard, 12" x 12" | 2 sheets
- Clipboard | 1
- Clothespins, wooden, 3” | 30
- Containers, clear plastic, round, 8 oz | 8
- Craft foam, 9" x 12" | 1 sheet
- Craft sticks, jumbo | 150
- Cups, disposable, insulated, 14 oz | 29
- Dolls, wooden | 48
- Fan, table | 1
- Felt, 9" x 12" | 1 sheet
- Flagging tape, 1" wide | 200 ft
- Flashlights with batteries | 6
- Floor tiles, adhesive backing, 12” x 12” | 2
- Gloves, disposable | 100
- Gravel | 5 lbs
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Ancient Clues | 24
- Farming at Mesa Verde | 24
- Mesa Verde Long Ago | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Ancient Clues | 1
- Farming at Mesa Verde | 1
- Mesa Verde Long Ago | 1
- Labels, removable, 2 5/8” x 1” | 30
- Lace, 3-9/16"| 6 yd
- Linking cubes
- Blue | 100
- Green | 300
- Orange | 100
- Purple | 5
- Red | 5
- Yellow | 200
- Measuring cups, dry, set of 4 | 1
- Pans, aluminum, 12.75” x 10.38” x 1.5” | 7
- Paper, tissue, 9" x 12" | 1 sheet
- Plastic mesh sleeve, 7” x 6”| 20 sleeves
- Plates, paper, 6" | 24
- Rulers, plastic | 12
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Screen | 8 sq ft
- Sentence strips | 100
- Sheet protector | 1
- Spice shakers, with lids, 4 oz | 6
- Sticky note arrows | 50
- Straw connector set, 163 pieces | 2 sets
- Tablecloth | 1
- Tape, painter's | 1 roll
- Thermometers
- Demonstration | 1
- Fahrenheit, plastic-backed | 12
- Indoor–Outdoor | 1
- Yarn | 60 yd
Module 2
- Bags, resealable plastic, snack | 16
- Ball, table tennis | 12
- Bins
- Clear plastic, 41 qt | 1
- Clear plastic with lids, 6 qt | 4
- Blocks, wooden
- 3 cm x 5 cm x 1.5 cm | 12
- 5 cm x 15 cm x 2 cm | 13
- Chenille stems, 12” | 100
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening | 2 lb
- Clipboards | 4
- Cotton balls | 300
- Craft sticks, jumbo | 50
- Erasers, wedge, medium | 48
- Hall’s cars | 4
- Harbor maps, vinyl | 7
- Hooks, screw in, vinyl coated, ¾” | 50
- Knowledge Deck™ cards, New York Harbor | 24
- Knowledge Deck poster, New York Harbor | 1
- Pucks, plastic | 6
- Rope, braided cotton | 50 ft
- Screws, pan head, #10 ¾” length | 4
- Sponges | 8
- Sticky hands | 6
- Toy boats, plastic | 2
- Toy cars | 6
Module 3
- Anchor Model for Life
- Desert figures, labels, symbols | 1
- Fastener dots, large | 67
- Fastener dots, small | 22
- Felt background board | 1
- Student stickers | 24 sets
- Beaker, 1000 mL, handle | 1
- Beaker, 500 mL | 1
- Boxes, cardboard, 12” x 12” x 12”, unassembled | 2
- Dowels, wooden, 12” | 32
- Grow lamp bulbs | 2
- Grow lamp, clip on, swivel head | 2
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Basketmaking | 24
- Desert Fan Palm | 24
- Joshua Tree | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Basketmaking | 1
- Desert Fan Palm | 1
- Joshua Tree | 1
- Plant containers, plastic, four pot | 16 (4 x 4)
- Scarlet runner bean seed packet | 1
- Spray bottle, plastic, 16 oz | 1
- Sticky note arrows | 100
- Tape, electrical, black | 1 roll
- Trays, plastic | 5
Module 4
- Anchor Model for Environments
- Class board | 1
- Class stickers | 1 set
- Student boards | 12
- Student stickers | 12 sets
- Bags, paper | 50
- Cups, paper, 12 oz | 25
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Disappearing Longleaf Pine Forests | 24
- The Problem with Trash | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Disappearing Longleaf Pine Forests | 1
- The Problem with Trash | 1
- Magnifiers, handheld, plastic | 12
- Paper umbrellas | 144
- Paper, tissue | 20 sheets
- Shower curtain | 1
- Spoons, plastic | 24
- Spray bottles, 16 oz | 12
- Sunflower seed packet | 1
- Weights, hexagram set of 54 | 2 sets
Level 1
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Survival -
Module 2:
Light -
Module 3:
Sound -
Module 4:
Module Titles
The Level 1 Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Survival
• Module 2: Light
• Module 3: Sound
• Module 4: Sky
Module 1
- Acorns, artificial with seeds | 5
- Airline tubing | 8 ft
- Air pumps | 2
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Antisiphon valves | 2
- Aquarium shelters | 2
- Bacteria starter | 4 oz
- Bags, resealable plastic, sandwich | 50
- Binder rings, 1.5” | 25
- Boxes, cardboard, 11.5” x 9.5” x 8”, unassembled | 7
- Brads | 6
- Bucket, plastic, 10 qt | 1
- Carbon copy paper, 8.5" x 11" | 50 sheets
- Cardboard, thin, 8.5" x 11" | 24 sheets
- Cellophane, clear | 25 ft
- Chenille stems, 12" | 200
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening | 1 lb
- Clipboard | 1
- Craft foam, 9" x 12" | 24 sheets
- Craft sticks | 200
- Cups, clear plastic, 3.5 oz | 25
- Cups, plastic, 9 oz | 11
- Egg cartons, cardboard | 12
- Erasers, wedge, medium | 24
- Fish food pellets | 3.17 oz
- Fish net, 4" | 1
- Flashlights with batteries | 6
- Food coloring, blue | 0.5 oz
- Forks, plastic | 8
- Gloves, disposable | 100
- Gravel | 10 lb
- Gravel vacuum | 1
- Grow light bulbs | 2
- Heat lamps with reflectors | 2
- Hook and lamp fastener | 1 ft
- Jars with lids, clear plastic, 8 oz | 4
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Crayfish Body Parts | 24
- Crayfish Sensing Body Parts | 24
- Koala and Eucalyptus | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Crayfish Body Parts | 1
- Crayfish Sensing Body Parts | 1
- Koala and Eucalyptus | 1
- Magnifiers, plastic, handheld | 12
- Measuring cup, 1 L | 1
- Paper, tissue, 9" x 12" | 24 sheets
- Paper, wax | 1 roll
- Pipettes, disposable | 20
- Plastic eggs | 2
- Plates, paper
- 6" | 60
- 9" | 1
- Pliers | 1
- Radish seed packet | 1
- Ruler, metric, plastic | 1
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Screws, steel | 6
- Scrubbing pad | 1
- Sentence strips | 100
- Sequin ribbon | 3 ft
- Sequins | 600
- Sponge filters | 2
- Sticky note arrows | 25
- Straws, clear | 3
- Tanks, plastic, 3 gal | 2
- Thermometers, adhesive | 2
- Toothpicks, pointed | 250
- Voucher for two live crayfish | 1
- Water conditioner | 4 oz
- Wood pieces with bark | 4
Module 2
- Acetate sheets, transparent, 8.5” x 11” | 3 sheets
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Bags, clear plastic, 1 gal | 3
- Boxes, cardboard
- 9” x 5” x 4” | 6
- 12" x 7" x 4" | 14
- Cardboard, 12" x 12" | 8 sheets
- Cat figurines | 6
- Cellophane, clear | 5 ft
- Clothespin, 3” | 1
- Craft sticks, wax | 48
- Flashlight, small | 1
- Knife, precision | 1
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Lighthouse | 24
- Wayang | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Lighthouse | 1
- Wayang | 1
- Leather, 3” x 3” | 8
- Light meter | 1
- Mirrors, plastic, 4” x 6” | 6
- Paper
- Construction, black | 50 sheets
- Parchment, 12" x 15" | 2 sheets
- Tissue, 9" x 12" | 6 sheets
- Tracing, 9" x 12" | 3 sheets
- Penlights with batteries | 12
- Rubber band | 1
- Sheet protector | 1
- Sticky note arrows | 150
- Tape, electrical, black | 1 roll
Module 3
- Acetate, transparent, 8.5" x 11" | 3
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Balloon pump, handheld | 1
- Balloons | 25
- Baskets, plastic | 6
- Beads
- Pony | 500
- Wooden, 8 mm | 90
- Beans, dried | 1 lb
- Bottle caps for 16 oz bottles | 8
- Bottles, plastic, 16 oz | 8
- Chenille stems, 12" | 100
- Clipboards with metal clips | 12
- Containers, plastic, 4” x 4” x 2” | 7
- Cotton balls | 300
- Cups
- Clear plastic, 3 oz | 6
- Insulated, disposable, 9 oz | 27
- Plastic, 9 oz | 12
- Drum with drumsticks | 1
- Felt | 1 sheet
- Guiro with scraper | 1
- Jewelry boxes with lids, cardboard | 8
- Kalimba | 1
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Eardrum | 24
- Recycled Orchestra | 24
- Talking Drum | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Eardrum | 1
- Recycled Orchestra | 1
- Talking Drum | 1
- Lap harp with pick | 1
- Measuring tape | 1
- Music boxes in cardboard boxes | 3
- Pie tins, aluminum | 16
- Plastic wrap | 1 roll
- Pom-poms | 100
- Ribbon, ¼” wide | 500 yd
- Rice, uncooked | 1 lb
- Rubber bands | 105
- Salt, table | 26.4 oz
- Shakers, clear plastic | 2
- Sticky note arrows | 250
- Straws | 50
- String | 420 ft
- Triangle with wand | 1
- Ukulele | 1
Module 4
- Acetate sheets, transparent, 8.5” x 11” | 50 sheets
- Binder clips, extra large | 12
- Compasses | 12
- Knowledge Deck™ cards, Polaris | 24
- Knowledge Deck poster, Polaris | 1
- Labels, adhesive, 0.5” x 1.75” | 80
- Solar viewers | 24
- Sticky note arrows | 50
- Sunglasses | 24
Level 2
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Matter -
Module 2:
Earth Changes -
Module 3:
Plants -
Module 4:
Module Titles
The Level 2 Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Matter
• Module 2: Earth Changes
• Module 3: Plants
• Module 4: Biomes
Module 1
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Angel hair vine wreath | 4 oz
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 50
- Beaker, 1000 mL | 1
- Beaker, 500 mL | 1
- Beeswax pellets, yellow | 1 lb
- Binder clips, medium | 36
- Binder rings, 1” | 25
- Bins, clear plastic, with lids, 6 qt | 6
- Blocks, foam | 102
- Bucket, plastic, 10 qt |1
- Building blocks, plastic
- Blue | 50
- Green | 50
- Red | 50
- Cardboard, 12" x 12" | 1
- Chalk, white | 12 pieces
- Cheesecloth | 2 sq yd
- Chenille stems, 12" | 300
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening, gray | 1 lb
- Coffee stirrers, wooden | 1000
- Containers, clear plastic
- Rectangular, 4 oz | 4
- Round, 8 oz | 4
- Cornmeal, yellow | 24 oz
- Cotton balls | 300
- Cotton swabs | 300
- Craft sticks, jumbo | 150
- Cups, clear plastic, 3.5 oz | 50
- Dish soap | 19 fl oz
- Feathers | 60
- Forks
- Metal, large | 1
- Plastic, white | 6
- Gloves, disposable, latex free, child size | 100
- Graduated cylinder, 25 mL | 1
- Honey | 12 fl oz
- Jars with lids, clear plastic, 4 oz | 24
- Knife, paring | 4
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Honey Bees | 24
- Little Dancer Aged Fourteen | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Honey Bees | 1
- Little Dancer Aged Fourteen | 1
- Magnifiers, handheld, plastic | 24
- Marbles | 50
- Moss, Spanish | 125 cu in
- Paper bags | 50
- Plastic wrap | 1 roll
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Sand, coarse | 5.5 lb
- Scales, plastic | 6
- Sentence strips | 100
- Spoons
- Metal | 6
- Plastic, clear | 6
- Plastic, white | 6
- Spray bottles with triggers, 16 oz | 4
- Stirring rod | 1
- Straws, plastic | 100
- String | 420 ft
- Sugar, granulated white | 1 lb
- Thermometer, indoor-outdoor | 1
- Toothpicks | 500
- Trays, plastic | 24
- Twig garland wreath, 6" diameter | 1
- Washers, metal | 24
- Wax paper | 1 roll
Module 2
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 gal | 8
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 50
- Balloon pumps, handheld | 6
- Bin, clear plastic, 41 qt | 1
- Bins, clear plastic, 6 qt (with hole) | 6
- Cheesecloth | 2 sq yd
- Chenille stems, 12" | 200
- Clay, natural | ¼ lb
- Clothespins | 6
- Cups, paper, 8 oz | 14
- Globe, inflatable | 1
- Gravel | 5 lb
- Hook and loop fastener | 1 ft
- Knife, putty | 8
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- The Twelve Apostles | 24
- Yardangs | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- The Twelve Apostles | 1
- Yardangs | 1
- Measuring spoons, set of 5 | 1
- Paintbrushes, medium | 6
- Plates, paper, 10" | 50
- Rock photo key | 1
- Rock samples
- Basalt | 3
- Gneiss | 3
- Granite | 3
- Pumice | 3
- Sandstone | 3
- Tuff | 3
- Limestone | 1
- Rocks, ¾" | 5 lb
- Rubber stoppers, size #00 | 6
- Ruler, metric, plastic | 1
- Sandpaper | 3 sheets
- Shells | 6
- Shower caps, clear plastic | 6
- Sifting screens, plastic | 6
- Silt | 1 lb
- Straws, 0.5" diameter | 3
- Sugar cubes | 1 lb
- Tape measure | 1
- Toothpicks | 500
- Twig garland wreaths, 6" diameter | 3
Module 3
- Bags, resealable plastic, sandwich | 8
- Baking soda | 1 lb
- Box, cardboard, 12” x 12” x 12” | 8
- Chenille stems, black, 12" | 100
- Coffee stirrers, wooden | 25
- Containers, clear plastic with lids, round, 16 oz | 48
- Craft sticks, jumbo | 50
- Cups, clear plastic, 3.5 oz | 8
- Fava bean seed packet | 24 seeds
- Felt, 9" x 12" | 10 sheets
- Filters, coffee | 100
- Flashlight with batteries | 1
- Gloves, disposable | 100
- Graduated cylinders, 10 mL | 8
- Grow lamp bulbs | 2
- Grow lamp, clip on, swivel head | 2
- Hook and loop fastener | 5 ft
- Knife, precision | 1
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Fireweed Pollination | 24
- Saguaro and Bat Interaction | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Fireweed Pollination | 1
- Saguaro and Bat Interaction | 1
- Meter stick | 1
- Paper, construction, black, 9" x 12" | 50 sheets
- Plant labels, four different colors | 100
- Pom-poms | 100
- Radish seed packet | 1
- Rulers, metric, plastic | 24
- Screens, 23.5" x 23.5" | 4
- Spoons, plastic | 24
- Sticks, cake pop | 25
- Tape measures, 1.5 m | 10
Module 4
- Bag clips | 12
- Biomes Custom
- Class world map | 1
- Earth’s Environments bottom maps and overlay maps | 6 sets
- Plant and animal stickers | 24 sets
- Postcards | 1 set
- Box, photo, 11" x 17" | 1
- Craft foam
- Green, 9" x 12" | 6
- Tan, 9 x 12" | 6
- White, 9" x 12" | 6
- Yellow, 9" x 12" | 6
- Dental floss | 12 yd
- Food coloring, blue | 0.5 oz
- Hook and loop fastener | 5 ft
- Ice cube tray | 1
- Knowledge Deck™ cards
- Norgay and Hillary | 24
- Yellowstone | 24
- Knowledge Deck posters
- Norgay and Hillary | 1
- Yellowstone | 1
- Markers, wet erase, black | 6
- Modeling dough | 9 lb
- Plates, paper, 10" | 13
- Stickers (including green, orange, red) | 72
- Whiteboards, student, 11” x 17” | 6
- Yarn | 1 skein
Level 3
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Weather and Climate -
Module 2: Survival
Module 3:
Traits -
Module 4:
Force and Motion
Module Titles
The Level 3 Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Weather and Climate
• Module 2: Survival
• Module 3: Traits
• Module 4: Forces and Motion
Module 1
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 gal | 6
- Bins, clear plastic, 6 qt (with hole) | 6
- Board, wooden, 2" x 4" x 4" | 1
- Bottle caps | 6
- Bottle, clear plastic, 2 L | 1
- Bottles, clear plastic, 16.9 oz | 6
- Cardboard, 12" x 12" | 3
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening | 6 lb
- Cups, paper, 3 oz | 50
- Gloves, disposable, latex free, child size | 100
- Map pins | 80
- Pebbles | 5 lb
- Poncho | 1
- Rubber bands | 2
- Ruler, metric, plastic | 1
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Thermometers, Fahrenheit, plastic-backed | 24
- Umbrella | 1
- US map | 1
Module 2
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 6
- Butterflies, plastic | 12
- Clay, modeling, air dry | 2 lb
- Clothespins, 1" | 10
- Coupon for butterfly larvae and netted exposure | 1
- Craft sticks | 50
- Cups, plastic, 9 oz | 25
- Dot die | 1
- Leaves, paper | 85
- Measuring cups, set of 4 | 1
- Plates, paper, 9" | 5
- Radish seed packet | 1
- Rulers, metric, plastic | 24
- Scales, digital, ± 1 g |2
- String| 1 spool
- Tape measure, 1.5 m | 1
- Test tubes, plastic | 8
- Thermometers, glass, Fahrenheit | 2
- Timers, digital | 2
Module 3
- Bags, paper | 50
- Beads, wooden, 16 mm | 230
- Binder clips, medium | 4
- Bins, clear plastic, 6 qt | 2
- Containers, clear plastic, round, 4 oz | 6
- Containers, clear plastic, round, 8 oz | 30
- Containers, clear plastic, round, 16 oz | 24
- Cups
- Insulated, 9 oz | 2
- Plastic, 9 oz | 50
- Fast Plant Seed Packets
- F1 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf | 1
- Non-Purple Stem, Hairless | 1
- Yellow-Green Leaf | 1
- Food coloring, red | 2 oz
- Graduated cylinders, plastic, 50 mL | 6
- Grow light system | 1
- Knife, precision | 1
- Magnifiers, handheld, plastic | 6
- Measuring spoons, set of 5 | 2 sets
- Pitchers | 2
- Plant fertilizer pellets | 1 lb
- Plant label tags | 100
- Plates, paper, 9" | 6
- Rope, braided cotton | 50 ft
- Salt | 26.4 oz
- Shells, Peruvian scallop | 30
- Spoons, plastic | 2
- Straws, plastic | 4
- Tape measure, 30 m | 1
- Tape measures, 1.5 m | 5
- Test tubes with rack | 6 sets
- Timers, digital | 2
- Toothpicks | 250
Module 4
- Baking sheet, magnetic metal | 1
- Balls, bouncy | 1
- Balloons | 25
- Balls, table tennis | 1
- Bearing balls, 1˝ diameter| 6
- Blocks, wooden, 1˝ x 2˝ x 0.5˝ | 6
- Blocks, wooden, 1.5" x 1.5" x 1.5" | 7
- Boxes, cardboard, 8" x 5" x 3", unassembled | 6
- Burlap, 14˝ wide | 12 ft
- Clipboards | 2
- Clothespins, wooden, 3" | 2
- Cloths, cotton | 1
- Cloths, wool | 3
- Compasses, mini | 4
- Cork stoppers | 2
- Cotton balls | 300
- Cups, plastic, 3 oz | 14
- Cups, plastic, 16 oz | 3
- Film canisters with lids | 7
- Foam rubber padding, 12˝ × 24˝ | 6 pieces
- Game spinner | 1
- Glue gun with glue sticks | 1
- Grass, artificial, 12˝ × 24˝| 6
- Hooks, screw in, ¾" | 24
- Magnets, bar, with N/S labels | 12
- Magnets, ceramic disc | 40
- Magnets, ceramic ring | 24
- Magnets, ceramic ring, coated | 2
- Magnets, square, adhesive backed | 120
- Meter sticks | 6
- Ropes | 50 ft
- Rulers, grooved | 6
- Screws, brass | 2
- Screws, steel | 2
- Spinning top | 1
- Spoon, plastic | 1
- Timers, digital | 2
- Toy cars | 6
- Toy tools, plastic | 4 sets
- Washers, brass | 2
- Washers, steel | 6
Level 4
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Earth Features -
Module 2:
Energy -
Module 3:
Sense and Response -
Module 4:
Module Titles
The Level 4 Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Earth Features
• Module 2: Energy
• Module 3: Sense and Response
• Module 4: Light
Module 1
- Balloons | 25
- Bearing ball catches | 6
- Bins, clear plastic, 16 qt | 6
- Clay, modeling, color pack | 8 colors (4 oz each)
- Cups, clear plastic, 9 oz | 50
- Cutting boards, plastic, 11" x 15" | 2
- Gloves, disposable, latex free, child size | 100
- Hook and loop fastener | 5 ft
- Knife, plastic | 1
- Lima bean seeds | 1 packet of 18 seeds
- Magnifier, handheld, plastic | 1
- Pans, aluminum, 13" x 9" x 2" | 6
- Pebbles | 10 lb
- Pipettes, disposable | 2
- Plaster of Paris | 4.4 lb
- Plastic wrap | 1 roll
- Plates, paper, 9" | 9
- Rock, small | 1
- Rubber stoppers, size #00 | 6
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Shaving cream | 11 oz
- Sheet protectors, heavy duty | 12 sheets
- Straws, paper | 100
- Sugar cubes | 1 lb
Module 2
- Alligator clip cords | 12
- Balloons, high quality, large | 25
- Bearing balls, 1˝ | 6
- Binder clips, small | 2
- Blocks, wooden, 2" x 4" x 4" | 2
- Bowl, 1 qt | 1
- Cars, pull back | 2
- Copper wire, enamel coated, 100 ft | 6 spools
- Cups, clear plastic, 9 oz | 6
- Flashlight with batteries | 1
- Flashlights, hand-crank | 2
- Heat lamps with reflectors | 2
- Heat light bulbs | 2
- LEDs, red | 105
- Magnets, neodymium | 24
- Meter sticks | 6
- Nails, 4˝ | 6
- Nuts, metallic | 12
- Plates, paper, 9" | 50
- Pushpins | 100
- Radiometer | 1
- Radios, handheld, with batteries | 2
- Rice, uncooked | 1 lb
- Rubber band, 2" long | 130
- Rulers, grooved | 12
- Sandpaper | 2 sheets
- Sentence strips | 100
- Snap Circuits® Green kits by Elenco® | 6
- Stopwatches | 6
- Thermometers, Fahrenheit, plastic-backed | 2
- Wire cutter | 1
Module 3
- Aluminum foil | 1 roll
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 6
- Balls, table tennis | 12
- Bin, clear plastic, 41 qt | 1
- Bins, clear plastic, 16 qt | 6
- Blindfolds | 6
- Clipboards, clear | 12
- Cotton balls | 300
- Cups
- Clear plastic, 9 oz | 6
- Paper, 3 oz | 25
- Headphones, noise blocking | 6
- Mallets, rubber | 6
- Maple syrup | 24 oz
- Mouthwash | 2 oz
- Paint tray, metal | 1
- Pipettes, disposable | 26
- Shoeboxes | 4
- Speakers | 6
- Spring toys, precompressed | 6
- Tape, colored | 1 roll
- Toy boat | 1
- Vinegar, white, distilled | 16 oz
Module 4
- Batteries, 3-volt watch | 30
- Beads, pony, various colors | 100
- Binder clips, large | 12
- Cardboard, 12" x 12" | 4 sheets
- Cellophane
- Blue, 10" | 6 sheets
- Green, 10" | 6 sheets
- Red, 10" | 6 sheets
- Chenille stems, 12" | 100
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening | 1 lb
- Construction paper, black | 50 sheets
- Craft sticks | 100
- Flashlights with batteries | 8
- Lamp with shade and bulb | 1
- LEDs (includes green, red, white) | 105
- Linking cubes, plastic | 100
- Mirrors, 4" x 6" | 8
- Photo boxes, black | 6
- Protractors | 6
- Radios, handheld, with batteries | 4
- Remote, infrared, with batteries | 1
- Sandpaper, adhesive backed, 2-3/4" | 10 ft
- String | 420 ft
- Tape, clear | 8 rolls
- Tape, electrical | 2 rolls
- Thumb tacks | 100
- Toothpicks | 500
- Transmitter, FM, portable | 1
Level 5
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Module Titles
Module 1:
Matter -
Module 2:
Ecosystems -
Module 3:
Earth Systems -
Module 4:
Orbit and Rotation
Module Titles
The Level 5 Hands-On Materials Kits support hands-on investigations in the following modules.
• Module 1: Matter
• Module 2: Ecosystems
• Module 3: Earth Systems
• Module 4: Orbit and Rotation
Module 1
- Alcohol, rubbing | 32 oz
- Aluminum foil, 10" x 10" | 1 piece
- American flags, small | 12
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 50
- Baking powder | 10 oz
- Baking soda | 1 lb
- Balloon, transparent | 1
- Balls, rubber | 2
- Beaker, glass, 250 mL | 1
- Bingo chips
- Blue | 140
- Yellow| 120
- Bottle caps | 2
- Bottle, plastic, 8 oz | 2
- Bubble wrapping, medium | 1 sheet
- Car wax | 9.5 oz
- Containers, plastic, 4 oz, with lid | 6
- Cooling pad | 1
- Copper cubes | 3
- Copper tubing pieces | 10
- Cups, clear plastic, 3 oz | 100
- Cups, clear plastic, 9 oz | 160
- Epson salt | 16 oz
- Gloves, disposable, latex free, child size | 100
- Graduated cylinders, 50 mL | 6
- Granite cubes | 3
- Hand pump with needle | 1
- Heat lamp with light bulb | 1
- Hot plate | 1
- Iron cubes | 3
- Lemon juice concentrate | 32 oz
- Magnets | 6
- Marbles | 50
- Nail polish, clear | 1
- Nails, iron | 25
- Oil
- Coconut | 14.5 oz
- Peppermint | 2 oz
- Vegetable | 946 mL
- Paint, white | 8 oz
- Pepper, black | 18 oz
- Petroleum jelly | 6 oz
- Plastic wrap | 1 roll
- Plates, paper, 9" | 6
- Safety goggles, student | 24
- Safety goggles, teacher | 1
- Sandpaper, 9" x 11" | 3 sheets
- Scale, plastic rocker | 1
- Scales, digital, ± 0.1 g | 6
- Sea salt | 26.4 oz
- Spoons, plastic | 102
- Syringes with caps, 60mL | 6
- Tongs, utility | 1
- Vinegar, white, distilled | 2 L
- Washing soda (sodium carbonate) | 250 g
- Watch glasses | 3
Module 2
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 5
- Balls
- Table tennis | 1
- Tennis | 1
- Bingo chips, red | 200
- Bottles, clear plastic, 16.9 oz, with caps | 16
- Bowl, microwaveable, 1 qt | 1
- Containers, clear plastic, with lids, 4 oz | 12
- Cups, clear plastic, 9 oz | 3
- Gloves, disposable | 100
- Jars, clear plastic, 16 oz, with lids | 2
- Magnifiers, handheld, plastic | 6
- Meter sticks | 2
- Name tags, adhesive | 50
- Pipettes, disposable | 2
- Radish seed packet | 1
- Rulers, metric | 6
- Sieve | 1
- Skewers, wooden, 12" | 4
- Soil test kit (custom) | 1
- Spoons, plastic | 24
- Straw, plastic | 1
- Water, sparkling, clear plastic bottle | 1
- Yarn balls | 3
Module 3
- Aluminum foil | 2 rolls
- Bags, resealable plastic, 1 qt | 1
- Balloon | 1
- Balloon pumps, handheld | 6
- Beads, pony
- Blue | 750
- Green | 750
- Red | 750
- Beaker, glass, 250 mL | 1
- Bins, clear plastic, 6 qt | 15
- Bottles, clear plastic, 16.9 oz, with caps | 24
- Cardboard, 7" x 7" | 6
- Chenille stems, 12" | 100
- Clay, modeling, nonhardening | 5 lb
- Clay, natural | 5 lb
- Cotton swabs | 200
- Craft sticks | 50
- Cups
- Clear plastic, 9 oz | 50
- Paper, 3 oz | 50
- Cutting boards, plastic | 2
- Filters, coffee | 40
- Food coloring, blue | 15 mL
- Forks, plastic | 2
- Gravel | 5 lb
- Jars with lids, clear plastic, 8 oz, with lids | 4
- Marbles | 1 cup
- Measuring spoon, 1 tbsp | 1
- Pipettes, disposable | 7
- Plastic wrap | 2 rolls
- Plates, paper, 9" | 50
- Popcorn kernels | 2/3 cup
- Push pins | 6
- Rice, uncooked | 3 lb
- Rocks, small | 6
- Silt | 1 lb
- Sponge, small | 1
- Spoons, plastic | 48
- Spray bottles, plastic | 6
- Straws, bendable | 51
- String | 128 m
- Sugar, granulated white | 2 cups
- Tape, electrical | 2 rolls
- Timers, digital | 6
- Toothpicks | 250
Module 4
- Balls, polystyrene foam, smooth, 2" | 6
- Beads, 2 mm | 240
- Bins, clear plastic, 6 qt | 2
- Chalk | 3 sticks
- Compasses | 12
- Disks, polystyrene foam, 4" x 4" x 1" | 12
- Flashlight | 1
- Globe | 1
- Globes, mini, 3" | 6
- Knives, serrated | 4
- Lanterns | 6
- Meter sticks | 4
- Paraffin blocks, 0.25 lb each | 8 blocks
- Protractors | 6
- Star stickers | 140
- Sticks, wooden, 7" | 12
- Tape, electrical | 1 roll
- Tealights, LED, nonflickering | 12