Manipulatives Kits

Eureka Math® supports students as they build lasting math knowledge. Students engage with tangible, concrete representations of the mathematics during the hands-on experiences that are built into every module.
Eureka Math Manipulatives Kits are available for Grade Levels Prekindergarten(PK)–8. Our Complete Kits include a full set of important math manipulatives and tools for a class of 24 students. Basic Kits can also be purchased and include only the most vital items. Larger classrooms with more than 24 students can supplement both Complete and Basic Kits with a Supplemental Kit, which includes the materials needed for an additional six students.
Ready to order manipulatives kits?
Contact a member of our sales team to get a quote.
Need to replenish lost items? Looking to purchase manipulatives for Grades 9–12?
Reach out to Didax to order individual items.

Prekindergarten (PK)
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade PK Manipulatives Kits
The Grade PK Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- Jumbo magnetic numbers,
- Farm Animal Counters,
- Teddy Bears Counters,
- Unifix Cubes,
- Rocker Scale,
- Geometric Solids,
- Eureka Math Numeral Cards, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kit; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade K
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade K Manipulatives Kits
The Grade K Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 100 Bead Demonstration Rekenrek,
- Dot Dice,
- Teddy Bear Counters,
- Unifix Cubes,
- Geo Board,
- Hide Zero® Cards,
- Number Bond Cards,
- Plastic Pattern Blocks, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 1
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade 1 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 1 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 100 Bead Demonstration Rekenrek,
- Dot Dice,
- Eureka Math Geometric Solids,
- Teddy Bear Counters,
- Unifix Cubes,
- Hide Zero Cards,
- Plastic Pattern Blocks, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 2
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade 2 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 2 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 100 Bead Demonstration Rekenrek,
- Color Tiles,
- Neon Straws,
- Demonstration Clock,
- Unifix Cubes,
- Meter Stick,
- Tape Measures,
- Eureka Math Place Value Disks, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 3
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade 3 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 3 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- Centimeter Cubes,
- Platform Scale,
- Sentence Strips,
- Demonstration Clock,
- Graduated Cylinder,
- Eureka Math Place Value Disks,
- Pattern Blocks, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 4
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade 4 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 4 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 6" Protractors,
- Circle Protractors,
- Customary Weight Set,
- Rocker Scales,
- Eureka Math Decimal Disks,
- Eureka Math Place Value Disks,
- Pattern Blocks, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 5
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Basic Kits
Basic Supplemental Kits
Grade 5 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 5 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 6" Protractors,
- Patty Paper,
- Centimeter Cubes,
- Decimal Place Value Cards,
- Eureka Math Decimal Disks,
- Eureka Math Place Value Disks,
- Tape Measures,
- Two Color Counters, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
Basic Kits
Basic Kits are more selective and include only the essential resources needed to teach Eureka Math.
Basic Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Basic Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 6
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Grade 6 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 6 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- Locking Compasses,
- Centimeter Cubes,
- Meter/Yard Sticks,
- Wood Rulers, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 7
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Complete Manipulatives Kits
Complete Supplemental Kits
Grade 7 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 7 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 4" Protractors,
- Locking Compass,
- Integer Cards,
- Set Squares, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.

Grade 8
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Complete Manipulatives Kit
Complete Supplemental Kits
Grade 8 Manipulatives Kits
The Grade 8 Complete Manipulatives Kit includes all the vital hands-on math manipulatives that students need for this grade level. Each complete kit includes enough materials for a class of 24 students. The kit includes
- 4" Protractors,
- Locking Compasses,
- Geometric Volume Set, and so much more.
Complete Supplemental Kits
Do you have more than 24 students in your class? Supplemental Kits can be purchased in addition to the Eureka Math Complete Kits; each Supplemental Kit includes materials for an additional six students.
* Please note: Certain items included in the kits may be different from those pictured in promotions or packaging due to availability.