What's Included in
Wit & Wisdom
Comprehensive English Language Arts
See what's included in Wit & Wisdom®, our comprehensive K–8 ELA curriculum that features knowledge-building lessons and carefully curated selections of art and books that inspire students' passion for reading and writing.
Teacher Edition
Every grade level includes four spiral-bound Teacher Editions with complete lesson plans and clearly stated learning goals by lesson as well as standards alignment details and in-context notes to give teachers the support they need when they need it.
Student Edition
Our Student Editions are workbooks that support student engagement and instruction with graphic organizers, evidence organizers, and other student materials.
Core Texts
Instead of basals or leveled readers, Wit & Wisdom students read authentic, high-quality, complex texts to build enduring knowledge of the world around them. To meet the qualifications for this collection, the texts must aid social and emotional development, allowing students to see themselves and others in each lesson.
Volume of Reading
Volume of Reading texts are literary and informational texts that teachers can use for additional classroom instruction. Wit & Wisdom Volume of Reading texts help students of all abilities expand their knowledge of each module topic.
Student Assessment Packs
These packs include 30 printed copies of each assessment and can be purchased by module.
Digital Teacher Edition
With the Digital Teacher Edition, teachers can explore and easily search full Wit & Wisdom lessons and resources to understand the context of the grade, lesson set, and module.
Getting Started Videos
Watch these videos to prepare for your grade-level Wit & Wisdom instruction, to learn how to navigate the digital Teacher Edition, and to plan for the classroom setup.
Wit & Wisdom Projected Slides
These comprehensive slides for each grade come with key lesson content and images as well as talking points for the teacher. Wit & Wisdom Projected Slides are also available for print users.
Multilingual Learner Resources for Grades K–5
The Multilingual Learner Resources for Grades K–5 offer targeted reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening support for specific Wit & Wisdom lessons that directly benefit multilingual learners.
Wit & Wisdom Prologue for Grades 6–8
Wit & Wisdom PrologueTM is a resource that supports grades 6–8 multilingual learners and students with language-based disabilities by front-loading key content and language from specific Wit & Wisdom lessons.
Professional Development and Coaching
A range of virtual and in-person sessions led by our team of teacher–writers, to support schools and districts through implementation.
Free Teacher Resources
This collection of free educator supports includes resources such as the Implementation Guide, reviewer guides, and national scope and sequence.
Great Minds Humanities Video Library
These on-demand professional learning videos offer an overview of the curriculum and learning design, as well as additional professional learning opportunities.
Wit & Wisdom Family Engagement Resources
A ready-for-distribution note from the teacher to families briefly summarizes Wit & Wisdom’s approach to English language arts. Educators and families can also download the Family Tip Sheets, available for each module in English and other languages, for ideas to continue Wit & Wisdom learning outside of school.
Wit & Wisdom Digital Assessments
Wit & Wisdom digital assessments help educators identify and better meet their students’ needs. Instant scoring and reporting tracks student progress over time and alerts teachers to remediation needs.