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PhD Science Pilot Support Page

Three examples of PD sessions being conducted


Watch classrooms transform into hands-on, student-led environments where students explore real-world phenomena.


Use the checklists to help make sure your PhD Science® pilot experience is successful. 

Pilot Checklist for Leaders (PDF, 878kb)

Pilot Checklist for Teachers (PDF, 913kb)



Gather Your Materials

Ensure you have
  • a Teach book,
  • a Science Logbook for each student,
  • a materials kit, and
  • customizable lesson slides.

Access your module’s materials list under the Materials section. Verify that your materials kit includes all provided items. Collaborate with your instructional leader to determine how you will gather the additional school-supplied items noted on the materials list.



Get to Know PhD Science

 Watch the ‘Getting to Know the Teach Book video’ (coming soon). Follow along in your own Teach book.

 Explore the Implementation Guide under the Materials section.



Prepare to Teach

Watch the ‘Module Structure and Preparing to Teach video' (coming soon). This video describes the module structure and considerations to make when preparing to teach PhD Science for the first time.

In your Teach book,

  • read the Module Overview and the Prepare sections for each lesson you will teach;
  • read each lesson and identify the Check for Understanding;
  • preview the Conceptual Checkpoint(s) and the End-of-Module Assessment; and
  • review Appendix B: Module Storyline for a summary of the module’s progression of concepts from the student perspective.
Plan for your classroom environment, schedule, and pacing.


Teach and Reflect

 Teach the lessons as intended, allowing for more time as needed. Creating a hands-on, student-led classroom is an ongoing process that requires persistence.

 Reflect on and document success and challenges along the way.

 Select, gather, and analyze artifacts such as Science Logbook pages, scoring guides, and rubrics.

 Share feedback with leaders regarding pilot effectiveness.




(Coming soon)

Consider exploring the following sections: Content Learning Cycle, Anchor Visuals, Supporting Scientific Discourse, and Instructional Routines.

  • Module 2 Material List (coming soon)
  • Module 2 Material List (coming soon)
  • Module 2 Material List (coming soon)
  • Module 2 Material List (coming soon)
  • Module 3 Material List (coming soon)
  • Module 3 Material List (coming soon)


Have questions or need additional pilot support? Contact your Great Minds representative.

Want to learn more about our approach to science instruction and the content you'll be teaching? Explore our "Getting Started with a New Science Program" blog post.

Want to learn more about how PhD Science supports leaders and teachers? Explore the PhD Science Professional Learning webpage.