Module-level tip sheets that provide module content, a list of all texts students will read in the module, sample questions to ask, and other activities to extend students' thinking at home.
Are you looking for new ways to advance equity and build knowledge in your math classroom with high-quality instructional materials? EdReports recently reviewed Eureka Math2. Scan the QR code or access the final report.
Check out our special pilot package for only $10 per student.
Are you looking for new ways to advance equity and build knowledge in your math classroom with high-quality instructional materials? EdReports recently reviewed Eureka Math2. Scan the QR code or access the final report.
Check out our special pilot package for only $10 per student.
Aligned to the Science of Reading research, our new Level 3 Geodes chapter books provide consistent, explicit practice and application of what students learn in their foundational skills program, intervention program, and English language arts curriculum. Each text in the set allows students to systematically build knowledge, reinforce learning, and prepare to access grade-level content and complex texts.
Aligned to the Science of Reading research, our new Level 3 Geodes chapter books provide consistent, explicit practice and application of what students learn in their foundational skills program, intervention program, and English language arts curriculum. Each text in the set allows students to systematically build knowledge, reinforce learning, and prepare to access grade-level content and complex texts.
At Great Minds®, we’re committed to supporting educators with high-quality curricula and resources.
Explore resources designed to aid students in science and engineering and spark classroom conversation.
At Great Minds®, we’re committed to supporting educators with high-quality curricula and resources.
Explore resources designed to aid students in science and engineering and spark classroom conversation.
From Great Minds®, the organization that created Eureka Math®, is a K–8 English language arts curriculum that brings the rich content everyone loves into your child's classroom. We believe that classrooms are places where students and teachers encounter wit, wisdom, wonder, rigor, and knowledge and that literature, history, art, and science all have a place in ELA instruction.
We are excited to present materials for levels K–3 to Park City School District.
Wit & Wisdom® helps your student meet the expectations of the ELA standards while celebrating the joy of reading and writing.
Experience the high-quality Wit & Wisdom materials and support available for you and your student below.
The knowledge focus of the Wit & Wisdom modules provides a great opportunity for engaging families and caregivers in academic content and conversations. Learning from students about the topics in which they have become experts can be a joyful experience for families—and lead to a desire for continued exploration and study.
The modules in each grade focus on a specific topic from the fields of science, social studies, the arts and more, which is essential for building knowledge and academic vocabulary.
To support your student's learning outside of the classroom, the Wit & Wisdom teacher-writers have created a suite of support resources for families and caregivers, including the Family Tip Sheets in English and Spanish on the right.
Access additional family support resources and learn more about Wit & Wisdom by clicking below.
Module-level tip sheets that provide module content, a list of all texts students will read in the module, sample questions to ask, and other activities to extend students' thinking at home.
Use las páginas de consejos de Wit & Wisdom para que los padres y guardianes se involucren en conversaciones en casa ricas en contenido y conocimiento. Las páginas de consejos incluyen un resumen del contenido de los módulos, una lista de todos los textos que los estudiantes leerán en el módulo, una lista de libros adicionales para leer en casa, ejemplos de preguntas para hacer en casa y actividades para extender la reflección y el aprendizaje.
It starts with the books. Excellent texts are at the center of Wit & Wisdom. Students build knowledge through carefully curated core texts that
Students engage with significant works of art, including paintings, illustrations, prints, sculpture, architecture, and photographs, that provide diverse access points to a topic so learners at all levels can build strong literary skills.
The carefully selected texts allow students to engage in content that provides: