Great Minds Institutes

To support new and ongoing implementation of Eureka Math, Great Minds is hosting Professional Development Institutes across the country. Institutes bring educators together for multiday sessions designed to strengthen implementation of the curriculum and to provide a forum for networking and sharing best practices.  

This fall we offer Preparation and Customization, one of our most-requested and essential PD for educators. Eureka Math facilitators will guide participants through a three-step process for customizing a lesson and a module. Participants will study lessons in depth, analyze the curriculum’s teaching sequences, and learn how to customize curriculum materials to meet student needs while maintaining pacing.

Eureka Math PD sessions are crafted to meet the grade-band-specific needs of educators. They support a recommended PD sequence

For Institute location, agenda, and more click on Event Details below. To register for an Institute, click on the name of the institute location you wish to attend.

If you have questions about an upcoming Institute, contact our Professional Development Services Team at or call 202-823-4340.

Please note, as event dates near, some grade bands may be sold out.